May 23, 2012

New Pics… Does my Nana see?

Livvy and I will have these moments of pure love.  She’ll be sitting on my lap (stomach to stomach) and she’ll just look my face over like she is trying hard to remember the details.  I’ve memorized her face; her eyes and every speck of gold and green that shine through, her mouth and how she holds it slightly open when she is watching TV or staring off into space, her cheeks and how they get ever so flushed when she is only a little warm, her hair when her ringlet curls fall so softly against the top of her back.  It is moments like this when I’ll turn my head up towards heaven and ask my nana “Are you seeing this kid”?  And I truly wonder is she seeing how amazing my baby is?  How beautiful she is both inside and out?  How happy she makes me?  How not a day goes by that I don’t wish that they could meet.  I know that my Nana would have just eaten her up and I almost feel bad that she never got the chance to.

Don’t mean to bum everyone out, but I’m sure someone out there can relate.  And since I know that it is difficult to decipher the tone behind writing/words, I’ll clarify it.  I’m not really sad.  It’s more of an awareness thing.  Being VERY aware that my Nana is not here; not yesterday, not today, nor will she be tomorrow.  I’ve accepted this long ago.  I will, however, continue to hold her close in my heart.  I will talk to her every chance I get and I will pray to her nightly that she watches over the great grandchild that has never met that I know she would so undoubtedly love.  And you know what?  She does watch over her.  I know this is certain.  I can feel her in my heart.

Anyhow, enough of that.  Let me get you moving onto my pictures.

Look at her expression in this first shot.  She was irritated that I took out the camera (God forbid) so she made a point to look the other way.  Yes folks, this is my FRESH baby!  I really need to stop referring to her as a baby.  I can’t believe how BIG she is getting.  She is going to be 2 years old in two and a half months!  I haven’t even started planning yet!  I’m a horrible mother.




I’m linking up the shot below to the following Photo Challenges!  Some of these linkies will not go live until Friday.




How fun is this next animated clip?  Yes, it’s a GIF.  I wrote a previous post about creating a GIF HERE incase you missed it!  I love seeing my pictures come to life especially when it includes a cutie having fun running down her first BIG hill, and without falling!  Go Livvy!  Mommy is so proud of you!


As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Aaaw, what a sweet post. I think it is a reminder(when missing someone) to hold our place here on this earth very dear. It is such a treasured gift we have to love on hard as life can be, it is still a beautiful thing. I especially loved the black and white pictures. My Eli will be two July 1st and I feel like I have so much to do in getting his stuff is a lot work...I suggest starting now!

  2. My friend did the greatest Mickey themed party...she cut the fruit into mickey ears and did it in the colors of the clubhouse...Watermelon, pineapple, blueberries...etc. She had lots of little touches and did hot dogs for the theme dog hot dog hot diggity get it! hahaha...our theme is dirt...we are having anything and everything to do with dirt!

  3. Very sweet pics of a beautiful little one! :-)

  4. Love this "living shot" and will have to come back and look at the instructions on how to do that. So fun, and what an adorable little gal you have.

  5. Love these shots of your precious girl! And I LOVE the gif!! You really get to see her personality shine thru! I hope to take some videos of TT this summer and post on the blog. I've never done that before, but she's so funny... I have to at least try! :-)

    Love your wonderful pics!! :-)

  6. Great photos Elena and I love the GIF! She's so sweet!! Love to you and your wonderful Nana looking over your baby girl from above :) xo K

  7. She is very beautiful, her skin is completely flawless.


  8. I can totally relate. My Nana died six months after my Ava was born. I'm so glad she got to meet her but sad she didn't get a chance to meet my twin boys. :(

    Thank you for linking up with Fabulous Friday!! Your pictures are beautiful and I love the animated gif! Have a great weekend!!

  9. I can totally relate! My Nana died when my daughter was 6 months. I'm glad she met my little Ava but wish she had also gotten to know my twin boys. Big hugs!!! :(

    Thanks for linking up! Yours shots are beautiful and I love the animated gif!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. AW! YOU are an A-mazing mama my dear. These are just delightful & fantastic, as always! LOVE the hill run.. AND LOVE that you call her Livvy. (THAT {Livvy} is on the top of my HOPEfully future baby girl list, LOVE it!!!

  11. Wonderful photos. She is such a cutie!
