April 20, 2012

Shoot. Edit. Submit.

I'm linking up to the Shoot. Edit. Submit. photo challenge over at Mom Tried It.  This week I chose a favorite of Alivia that I just recently took.  We were at the park and, not that you can tell from the picture, she was sitting on a bumble bee rocker ride.  Well that's what I'm calling it anyway.  Her daddy was sitting behind her.  I feel like the angle, light, her expression, and colors all came together perfectly for this shot. 

Shutter Speed: 1/500  Aperture: f/5.6   ISO: 200   Focal Length: 55mm

Processing Recipe (cooked up in PSE):
1. Boosted contrast slightly.
2. Sharpened eyes, nose, and mouth.
3. Added a very subtle vignette.
4. Resized and added watermark for web.

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  
You'll just have to scroll down the page a bit to see it. 
If you like what you've read, please feel free to join my site. 


  1. Hi Elena! This shot is SO cute, & love how you framed it! What a sweet little girl you have there.

    I really appreciate that you add what settings you used & also editing steps. I am just now trying to shoot primarily in manual... So this helps!

    I like you lovely blog so much, I must follow ya! Lol)

  2. You edit is very natural and I like the darkened edges :)

  3. Beautiful shot! Love those big dark eyes ;)

  4. what a cutie pie, she is precious and what a lovely pic!!
