April 20, 2012

The Missing Link - Week 2

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Well, it could just be one of the links below. Hence my post title! You may ask yourself "Is she serious?" Well the answer is "No, I'm definitely NOT serious." I'm just feeling silly. Seriously though, I thought I'd share some of my favorite links with you in an effort to spread the love. What's better is that I thought I'd make this post a weekly thang! No that isn't a typo. I told you I was feeling silly. So the links below may not complete your life, but I'm hoping they, in some way, add to it. I separated them into categories for easy navigation. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

1.  You have to try this animated GIF creator.  I wrote a little bit about it in a previous post.
2.  These cinemagraphs are crazy awesome.  I still need to watch the entire tutorial.  Not sure if you can even make one in PSE though.
3.  Photo album for the new mom.

1.  I love these gorgeous handbags.
2.  This will make a great Father's Day giftThis will too!
3.  For Mother's or Father's Day.  I just love Etsy!  You can find so many cool things!
4.  This is an awesome make-up palette by Smashbox!
5.  Natural and Non-Toxic Piggy Paint for your kids!
6.  I love anything made by Brighton, but this line absolutely blows everything else away.  It rocks!

1.  Do you have a hard time finding bath towels that actually absorb water well?  I found these fairly recently and am loving them!
2.  These beach towels by Vera Bradley may be a bit pricey, but they are large and VERY absorbent.
3.  I love these, but I have a thing for salt & pepper shakers.

1.  Bought this for my little one (she is 20 months).  It's fantastic because there is no mess.
2.  For The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fans out there.  This choo choo lays down it's own tracks.  It's crazy!
3.  My little one loves this!  And it really is Kid Tough.  Alivia steps on it all the time and it still works!  I use it to teach her the alphabet, shapes, and numbers.
4.  If you came to my house, you'd find this on my fridge.  I really love LeapFrog.  They make great educational toys!
5.  This is made by Melissa & Doug and is so much fun for the little ones. 

1.  A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard.  I wrote about this book in a previous post.
2. Fun book for new moms!

I thought I'd leave you with a couple pretty pics!  Happy Friday; I hope everyone has a great weekend!

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.
You'll just have to scroll down the page a bit to see it.
If you like what you've read, please feel free to join my site.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't gotten to check out the links yet, but had to comment on those last two pictures....soooo colorful!!!!! Love them.
