April 7, 2012

Shoot. Edit. Submit.

I'm linking up to the Shoot. Edit. Submit. photo challenge over at Mom Tried It. 

I don't get out much and when I do, it's always with my little one in tow.  With that said, it's rare that I get to take pictures of something other than my baby.  I'm not complaining by any means.  She is one of the cutest subject matters I've ever laid eyes on and the camera just loves her!  This past week, however, I was able to take some pictures of the tree in my backyard while still keeping an eye on Livvy as she paced the grass in front of me.  In person, the tree wasn't much to look at but I was happily surprised with the picture.  I didn't have to do much to process it which was great!  I brought out the colors a little more and boosted the contrast slightly just enough to make it pop!


  1. I can totally see why it would be easy to spend your days photographing your baby. She is adorable!
    But these spring blossoms makes me happy too, soon we'll get them here too.
    Thank You for sharing!

  2. It's so lovely! I love how fresh and pretty it is ;)
