April 9, 2012

New Pics... Easter Sunday

So how was your Easter?  We had a fantastic Easter!  It was a very low key (just how we like it) day spent at my sister's house.  We enjoyed a great Sunday dinner (leg of lamb), deliciously sweet desserts (cheesecake, red velvet cupcakes, apricot cookies, etc.), bright tulip centerpieces, our traditional egg game, a little one (Livvy) running around excitedly, but mostly, joyful conversation and spending time with family! 

The weather was a little cooler than we had hoped, but I really shouldn't complain.  In the past, we've had snow on Easter.  Yes, sad but true!   We were just lucky enough to be able to wear our Spring gear.  I should be more specific.  I was lucky that Livvy was able to wear her new, and ridiculously adorable, Easter dress (that was nearly sleeveless) without freezing her little diapered bum off.  I had been waiting over a month to see her in this dress!  I used a sweater to cover her arms for the five seconds it took us to walk from the car into my sister's house.  Thank heavens she is naturally warm anyway.  Would you believe, by midday, she was running around barefoot with just a shirt on?  Oh the legs, those chubby legs, were such an eyeful that I could barely contain myself!  I used every opportunity that she ran by me to scoop her up and kiss those thighs! 

Getting shots was difficult as I was hell bent on NOT using my flash.  I could only up my ISO so much (to brighten the picture) without it looking noisy (grainy).  In desperation, I lowered my shutter speed (for more brightness) only making it almost impossible to get a crisp picture of my rapidly moving toddler.  I know, I have to get over this.  I can't believe I've actually  given up some great photo opportunities just because I do not want to use a flash.   I'll get over it, hopefully.

Livvy & Nana

This came out a little dark and I could only increase the
exposure so much before you started to see grain.

Livvy & Papa (she would not look at the camera)
Livvy & her boyfriend Jake (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)

Tulip centerpiece

and more Ginger

Some piggy toes

More tulip centerpieces

Duck.  We don't have a name for him (I say it is a 'he') yet.  I love him though!
Out of all the beautiful pieces in my sister's house, he is my favorite decor!

My little piggy loving herself a couple bowls of strawberries!


  1. She looks beautiful in her dress! So glad you had a lovely day. And that bunny bowl takes me back to my childhood. We had the same dishes ;)

  2. I know this is from last Easter but I had to comment, she is adorable!! I love her dress and your pics turned out great. In know exactly what you mean about not using a flash. I refuse to! I will even wait until the next day when there is sunlight if I have to in order to keep from using my flash. But it's always worth it, right? The pics always look so much better!

