April 27, 2012

Shoot. Edit. Submit. & FIF

I almost forgot to link up to the Shoot. Edit. Submit. photo challenge over at Mom Tried It.  How could I forget?  It's been a crazy Friday already and it's only 12:39pm.  Anyhow, here is this week's submission.  I love this close-up of Alivia.  If you've seen any of my pictures, I'm sure you know that I'm a BIG fan of filling the frame shots.  I like this one mostly because of her messy hair (it was windy out) and I'm glad I chose to convert it to black & white.

Shutter Speed: 1/320  Aperture: f/5.6 ISO: 800  Focal Length: 55mm

Processing Recipe (cooked up in PSE):
1. Boosted contrast slightly.
2. Sharpened eyes, nose, and mouth.
3. Removed some hairs from her face.
4. Used the Peach Tree action from Paint the Moon to convert to black and white.
4. Resized and added watermark for web.

I also wanted to share my edit with the Fix-It Friday community over at I Heart Faces.  The original photograph was provided by Amy Renea.  Since we are all trying to learn from each other, I included my editing process below.
Processed in PSE:
1. Cropped.
2. Brightened slightly.
3. Boosted the contrast slightly.
4. Removed a piece of hair from his forehead.
5. Used the spot removal tool to remove some white spots from his forehead and face.
6. Smoothed out the skin under his eyes.  I used a skin smoother tool that I purchased from Paint the Moon. 
7. Sharpened his eyes, nose and mouth.
8. Added a subtle vignette.
9. Desaturated the reds a tiny bit.
10. Resized for web.




  1. Love both photos - especially the colors in the second one. I noticed you used Paint the Moon actions for both. How do you find tweaking them? I have considered buying them but there are so many - just not sure I would use all of them and whether it'd be worth the cost. Would love your feedback from using them. And - have you ever used actions from My Four Hens? Feel free to email me your thoughts!

  2. oh i LOVE both photos! great job! and TOOOOOO cute about the "processing recipe" ... adorable idea! .... Thanks for the comment on my blog!

  3. Great edit!! The crop is so small, but adds such dimension to the photo!!

  4. Beautiful! Love how you brought out the light in your edit, and those eyelashes in that first photo. Gorgeous!

  5. Very nice photos and the editing looks great too.
