April 28, 2012

New Pics... The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

Meet Alivia.

She's is my 21 month baby girl. 
She is my BEST friend. 
She is my silly goose. 
She is my cuddle bum. 
She is my love bug.
She is my crank pot. 
She is my drama queen.
She is my chatty Kathy.
She is my love.
She is my life.

In short, she is my HAPPINESS
Seriously, how can this picture not make you smile?
I'm linking it up to The Paper Mama Photo Challenge.
Hope it puts a smile on your face!

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.
You'll just have to scroll down the page a bit to see it.
If you like what you've read, please feel free to join my site.


  1. Oh, that first picture slays me. She is so adorable. Love it!

  2. she definitely does make me smile :)

  3. I like yr photos and that you give me the opportunity to see how much she is growing up every day .....she is the quetest baby in the world............

  4. SWEETEST words, & BEAUTIFUL photos!! LOVELY. She is a doll!

    I would love to invite you to our fun photo challenge, Finagle a Foto!


  5. Oh her eyes are just gorgeous! She's too adorable!

  6. I love these, she is so beautiful! Hope you're joining in on finagle a foto this week!! :0)

  7. she is so beautiful! what eyes and curls...wow!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  8. Oh my, those are all so stinkin' adorable! But that last one! Just priceless ;)

  9. She is soo adorable!! and that last photo!! LOVE!!!!

  10. What an adorable wee girl. Man. She's sweet. I love the photo of her little nose pressed up against the screen.

  11. Adorable! I love the last one. :)
    Too cute.
    Also, I am a new follower! Can't wait to read more. :)
