March 22, 2012

New Pics... More Mackenzie

These pictures were taken awhile back but I never had a chance to post them.  I love taking pictures of Mackenzie!  She photographs so well!  I'm really loving the purple too.  It compliments her coloring.  What else can I tell you about Mackenzie?  She is super bright, silly (as you can see), well mannered, spirited, loving, and a great friend to Livvy!  She also has a birthday coming up!  Only 4 more months and she'll be turning the BIG 3!  Did I mention she has the cutest little munchkin voice ever?  And her parents?  What can I say?  They are just about the coolest people you will ever meet.  Her mom and I have been friends for over 30 years, since I was 5!  These are not the first set of pictures I've posted of Mackenzie and they certainly will not be the last!  Hope you enjoy them.

Also, for those of you interested, I used Paint the Moon's vintage frames.  I liked them so much that I decided to update my blog header!

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