March 19, 2012

New Pics... A little dirt never hurt anyone

Here are pictures from last weekend.  We spent most of it at the park.  As much as Livvy loves to walk, I was having some difficulties trying to get her to walk on anything other than our hardwood floors at home.  She'd walk on pavement, but any imperfection in the road would provoke tears.  Seriously, it was more than reluctance.  We were determined to get her to walk on the grass, mulch, imperfect pavings, etc. so we spent a good portion of our Saturday and Sunday afternoons just walking around.  Her daddy stayed strong through her desperate cries to be picked up and his persistence was exactly what the doctor ordered.  By the end of Saturday, she had walked the entire Benson's park grounds.  By Sunday she was leading the way, and with smiles and giggles to boot!  Although still apprehensive of dirt/mud, at least now she understands she can walk around it. 


  1. Great images! Your daughter is adorable!

  2. oh she is just adorable!! these are all such great captures!! :)
