August 21, 2011

New Pics (Week 8)... Still really excited to share!

This is a continuation of my last post titled New Pics (Week 8)... Really excited to share! While revisiting my SOOC shots from the photo shoot of Alivia in my back yard, I decided to process a few more!  While I was at it, I figured why not link up to a few photo challenges? 

Linking up to Crown of Life Photography Photo Challenge Better than BEST and Through a Photographers Eyes Favorite Photo of the Week.  I had to convert it to black and white also but I think I'm liking it in color better.  What do you think?

And my submission for Color Splash Sunder over at Artistically Amy.  I just took this picture 2 days ago and thought it was perfect for this photo challenge!

My submission for the Show off your Shot at And then she snapped is below.  I absolutely love my baby's profile!

and then, she {snapped}


  1. loving the colour splash! she's so cute :)

  2. Love the black and whites. Thanks for linking up!

  3. These are just gorgeous, love them in B&W! Her ringlets of hair are just adorable!

  4. I imagine it would be difficult to get a BAD photo when your subject is so stinkin' cute!!
