August 20, 2011

New Pics (Week 8)... Really excited to share!

I am so excited to share these with you because I feel like they came out great and I'm really happy with them!  Not much editing involved which was nice!  I did, however, use the clone tool on some of these to remove distractions from the picture.  It was my first time using the clone tool and I absolutely love it! 

So I dressed Alivia in a dress she hadn't worn yet and brought her outside in the backyard to play on a blanket for a little photo shoot.  It was cloudy out, around 3:30 PM, and I thought what great lighting!  The sun wasn't beating down on our heads either so it was comfortable out.  She was such a good girl only I couldn't get her to stand up to show case her entire dress.  That's okay.  There is always next time! 

Anyhoo, I used a web sharpening action I bought from Paint the Moon so I hope you can see the difference in my images.

The first few were taken in the house using a flash (blah) and don't even compete with the ones I took outside using natural light (yay)!  I just had to share anyway.  The first one is a silly angle.  It makes me smile.

Now for the good ones!