June 19, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Woo Hoo, I've been dying to participate in Scavenger Hunt Sunday over at Ramblings and Photos but I never have pictures to fit all 5 themes!  This week, however, I did and am excited to share them with you!  I've had this email drafted since the 14th!

My poor baby was exhausted.  This was taken right after she had lunch.  She was over due for a nap.  I added another action from the Bokehlicious Dancing Light Bundle that I purchased from Paint the Moon.  I think this action fit perfectly with this picture!

This shot was taken before I even knew what the themes for Scavenger Hunt Sunday were.  I guess it was meant to be that I participate.  It worked out perfectly.  This is a new toy that my best friend passed on to me.  So far, Alivia loves it!

I try to use photo challenges as a means to force myself out and about to take some new pictures so I can constantly, well, challenge myself of course.  This picture, however, is an oldie taken with a Canon Point and Shoot and I absolutely love it.  The smile on my brother-in-law's face is a total representation of bliss.  I swear if the dog, Harry, could smile he would!  When this kid smiles, it's contagious!

This is my baby playing in her safe and gated area.  I think I caught this shot just right as one of the holes in her gate frames and almost centers her face just perfectly! 

This is part of a plant in my mother's backyard.  It's not my favorite picture by any means, but it's the only one I had for this theme.


  1. Of course, I am drawn to your Natural Frame, yes it is 'just right' x

  2. Wonderful shots. I love the first one. She's precious!

    Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  3. Great photos! Love natural frame! And emotion reminds me of when my babies were little.

  4. SO glad you finally made it - love the last shot as well as your first shot. Nicely done.

  5. Welcome aboard!

    My nephew really enjoyed that toy, as well.

    Your framed shot is so sweet.

  6. I think you did a great job of Flower point of view. Love that emotion shot!!! Great Natural Frame
    Enjoy your day!!!

  7. Good work. Natural frame is very especial, I love it.

  8. Love your Natural Frame and your Flowers POV!! Great shots.
