June 20, 2011

New Pics (Week 2)

My submission for Quotography at {My} Perspective.  The theme is HAPPINESS.

Quotography at {My}Perspective
My submission for the Mellow Yellow Monday photo challenge.

My submission for SOOC Sunday at Murrieta 365.

My submission for The simple Things photo challenge at Rebecca Cooper.


Here are some new pics for this week.  There is only a handful, but I will definitely have more.  I feel horrible today.  Not sure if it's a cold or just severe allergies.  I took Alivia to the park and this was her first real ride in a swing.  After she figured out that sitting all the way back in the swing was more comfortable, she almost fell asleep while I was pushing her.  I'm absolutely lovin' this age and am so lucky that I get to be here for all her "first times".

I used a cross process on this first one, but faded it.

I added a texture to this that I purchased from Paint the Moon.


  1. She is so cute! I love the quote! Thanks for linking up! I shared yours on my blog's FB page!

  2. what a cute baby!!! love your flower too.

    via The Simple Things

    Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

  3. Beautiful shots - something about the second shot I really love.

  4. She is just adorable...great shots n quote too!

  5. Sweet photo! And I love that quote!

  6. To be satisfied with simple things is to be truly satisfied!


    Woman in the yellow coat,
    Are you heading for a boat?
    Or perhaps you need a bus
    To get far away from us.
    Whether wheels or sails you take
    Don’t forget the chocolate cake
    To sustain you on your way;
    Yellow-lover, now we say,
    “Go with grace, enjoy the ride,
    See you on the other side!”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Fallen Yellow Flowers

  7. OMG. they are awesome shots and the baby so very cute. hugs to little one and to u for the wonderful posts.

  8. So cute! And I love the layout on your blog, NICE!

  9. cutie baby.. and i love the flowers too..:)

    Late visit from Mellow Yellow Monday
    Hope you can come and visit my MYMs at: Message for the Fathers, Happy Father’s Day Pap and Triple Celebration. Thanks!

  10. a beautiful and emotionally charged photo accented by a fabulous quote.

  11. Beautiful and TRUE quote. Love it. And love all of these photos!
