June 6, 2011

Race against the clock!

Okay, I'm sort of racing against the clock!  My husband and daughter are doing the food shopping and I've just finished editing some pictures I took today.  I went crazy, took about 300 or something.  Let's see if I can post them all before they come home. 

I've been experimenting with my camera settings and trying to use natural light (so no flash).  In certain instances, I had to up the ISO to 1600 so quite a few of these, to me anyway, are a bit noisy which I point out.  Since they are pictures of my baby, I decided to edit and post them anyway.  For an entry level D-SLR I am, however, pleasantly surprised to see that it handles high ISOs without noise quite well!  With a moving child I had to keep my shutter speed at 160 - 200 at times, also high.  It was quite a challenge trying to get the correct exposure not really being able to compensate anywhere.  Some of my Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC) shots were hurting, but I was able to salvage them.  Then again some of my SOOC shots were gorgeous so I guess I'm learning!  There are too many to post before & afters so I've attached mostly retouched versions with a couple of SOOC shots so that you could see the exposure differences.  By the way, I spelled out SOOC for those that aren't yet hip to the photography lingo.  Let's just say only less than a month ago, I was not HIP to it myself!  I actually had to google the acronym.

I don't know if anyone else is having problems attaching images to posts?  I usually upload from my computer which apparently is not happening since it's down for maintenance.  Who knows when I'll have another moment of free time.  Last time, as an alternative, I uploaded my images to Picasa and attached them from there, but this takes longer.  Now that I think of it, it's kind of weird that I was able to upload to Picasa since Blogger and Picasa are all powered by Google.  I guess it was a fluke, because I just tried it and am getting the same pop up message that Blogger gave me.  Very frustrating for a busy mama who doesn't have the luxury to pick and choose when to post. 

Here are a couple SOOC shots followed by their retouched version. 

I was going for a 1960's feel here.

WARNING: approaching the Noisy, noisy, noisy.

I don't think as noticable retouched.

The remaining pictures are all retouched.

I feel like this is a little over exposed, but I love the softness of her hair and the detail of her curls.

The one below I feel is especially noisy.

This one too!

Noisy yet again.

I don't think it's as obvious in black and white.

Now, to mix it up a bit!  My mom bought these for herself and they were just so cute I had to take some pictures.  I couldn't resist with all the sparkle!  Gorgeous colors!  No toe polish required.

How 'bout some stars and stripes?  These ones are barely retouched.  These came out the best!

BELOW: This bathing suit is actually hanging from my kitchen chandelier where the light is BEST!  It just pours in through my 8 foot slider.


  1. Your daughter is so pretty - I love 055 retouched...that one is lovely!

  2. THESE are really BEAUTIFUL! Your daughter is such a beauty!

  3. Gorgeous shots! Love your edits, and the bathing suit! Your daughter is beautiful!

    Where did your Mom get the shoes? My mom had a pair similar for 5 years and they just broke and we can't find anything like them. Those are almost exact!

  4. What a doll...and I love all of the edits!

  5. Kristen, my mom got the shoes at the Paper Store. They come in white too, I have to buy myself a pair! Thanks for the visit!

  6. Love the edit on the first in that series of ' just edited,'... and the black and white portraits do a beautiful job of featuring baby girl
