June 7, 2011

Photo Challenges

My submission for Mellow Yellow Monday at http://www.mellowyellowmonday.blogspot.com/

Yes, the book underneath is Blogging for Dummies.  What can I say? 

This is my submission for the Quotography / Anything you want photo challenge and Paper Heart Camera's Touch Up Tuesday:

So many things I did here.  First my poor baby had a blemish on her chin so I removed this.  I adjusted the exposure, cropped, brightened and softened the lines under her eyes, adjusted the color to warm it up a bit and VOILA!

My Trendy Treehouse photo challenge submission.  The theme: Summer Fun!
Nothing says summer fun to me better than a pair of flat SANDALS!  The chance to let your tootsies breath and no toe polish required?  Now that is heaven!


  1. Oh how I love those sandals!! Your baby is sooo sweet! :)

  2. I love love love the middle shot!

  3. Great quote with that really cute shot! Thanks for linking up to Quotography!

  4. wonderful pictures and nice quote!

  5. oh, so sweet...she has beautiful eyes! love the work you did with the photo! beautiful!

    via Quotography

    Light Trigger

  6. Love the quote! And what a beautiful little girl!!

  7. Wonderful shot with the quote!
