June 7, 2011

I'm on a roll...

I've been pretty lucky the past few days.  Livvy has been good and taking  hour and a half naps in the mornings and afternoons.  While she drifts off to la la land, I pick up my camera and start clicking away.  Can't wait to actually get out of the house and take pictures.  I have a trip to Cape Cod planned so I hope to have caught some great moments on camera.  I need to mix it up a bit!

The below photos were taken, again, with no flash.  I was able to use a lower ISO, 800 this time.  I was even able to catch Livvy during her still modes which was perfect for a lower shutter speed setting!  I'm getting quicker with my clicking which is good.  The more pictures I take only betters my chance for getting a shot I truly love!

The first few pictures are of a bird house that I bought, when I was pregnant, for Livvy's room.  I was drawn to its simple colors and worn out structure.  The color of the green roof with the white walls were perfectly contrasting.  It reminded me of a doll house.  I applied a cross process action to some of these that, I think, give it a vintage feel.  I really love the way they came out.

The next picture is of Livvy's toy.  You know the one that helps a baby walk?  I forget the name of it but a baby can use it as support to hold onto and, well, walk around.  I want to say "walker", but that just sounds too easy.  The part I captured is its base or the stand.

The remaining pictures are of, yes you guessed it, Livvy!  I never tire of taking pictures of my baby.  I'm sure all of you parents out there can understand.  The first one is my favorite!


  1. I love the perspectives you used with the bird house. I wonder if you might be able to lower that ISO even more. Move by a window and try to lower to even 200-400?

  2. These were taken right by the window. When I used anything less than 800, they seemed to come out too dark. Even at 800 I adjusted the exposure (brightened them). I should have taken it by my slider door, maybe more light would come in and then I could lower the ISO even more. Also, it was later in the day and cloudy so I don't think that I got the light I could have if it were earlier and sunny? You think?
