February 3, 2014

Leave of Absence

Sorry for the abrupt notice but, due to personal reasons, I will be taking a leave of absence from February 3rd through May 2014.  Unfortunately, I’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue The PINcentive Blog Hop as well.

As a precautionary measure, I intend to update my email settings to generate an automated response to all inquiries.  My hopes, however, are to be able to check emails a few times a week and to remain somewhat active on social media, so feel free to stay in touch! 

A big thanks to everyone who has been following, reading, sponsoring, and linking up with Cropped Stories!  Your dedication and support has been greatly appreciated!

In the meantime, happy blogging, happy Valentine’s Day, and I look forward to returning in the near future!


  1. Good luck, I hope everything is ok. I took a 2 month leave and working my way back into blogging within the next couple of days .... Life happens and sometimes you have to put stuff on the back burner. In my case, I was going through a very mentally challenging time adjusting to 2 kids and pre-menopause craziness (and I do mean craziness!) .... and the holidays. I had no time for myself and needed to step back from things like blogging unfortunately. OK well whatever is going on - good luck and see ya soon.

  2. Hope everything is okay! Wishing you the best :)

  3. Best wishes to you, Elena. Sometimes we all need a break to get ourselves centered. We'll be here when you return!
    Take care, friend!

  4. Again thinking of you Elena and I know this was a touch decision for you. Sending you hugs and if you need anything you know where I am, just send me an e-mail.

  5. Best of luck to you as you face whatever lies ahead! Your followers will look forward to your return!

  6. I'm sorry to hear this Elena and hope all is alright with you, sending prayers your way. Have a nice day.


  7. I totally understand, friend! Enjoy your break!

  8. Wow, I'm sure that something big must have occurred to warrant such a leave. I wish you the best during the time and hope the matter is resolved as quickly and as favorably as possible. Look forward to coming back in the spring

  9. I am so sorry to hear this...I hope everything is okay with you and your family. Please let me know if you need anything. {Not like I can do anything through emails, really, but its always good to know someone cares and is concerned}. Hope all is well! Xoxo!

  10. Thoughts and prayers with you during your hiatus! Look forward to your return, Elena.

  11. Hi Elena - I hope everything is okay with you and your family. I am praying for you. Gaye

  12. Just a note to let you know I'm thinking about you.

  13. Just found your blog and I love it already! I see that you are on a leave of absence until May. I hope that all is well and I look forward to your future blog posts!
