December 4, 2013

Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+!

Before I go into how to locate an email address for that <>, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND LEAVING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN ANY COMMENTS YOU LEAVE ON BLOG POSTS.  Not sure if you are a no-reply blogger?  If you are using Blogger/Blogspot, then assume you are.  Even if you’ve previously updated your profile settings to show your email address, which would correct your no-reply status, Blogger reverts you back to no-reply within days of your update.  And without your knowledge.  Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news here but, reverting your entire profile back to Blogger from Google+ will not resolve the issue either (see screen shot below).  I know; frustrating right?

Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories


Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories

For those, however, that don’t want to leave their email address in a comment, I think it’s crucial to provide alternate ways for people to respond to your comments easily.  The keyword being “easily”.  Think back to the good ol’ days when you could just hit the reply button in your email to send off a message of thanks to the bloggers that left comments on your posts. 

I don’t know about you, but I usually review all my comments via email rather than Blogger in case there is the slightest chance the person who left the comment is NOT a no-reply blogger.  Yes, I’m usually disappointed about 95% of the time, but a girl can dream, can’t she?  As soon as I see the no-reply status, I click on the person’s name which is usually a hyperlink. 

Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories

If you’ve noticed, that hyperlink usually brings you to one of three places.  Either Google+, that person’s profile on Blogger where you can usually view their name, email address (which is rarely provided), and the blogs in which they write for and follow, or

Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories

their blog, which is of no use if they don’t provide an email address on their website.

Personally, I keep my fingers crossed that the hyperlink takes me to Google+.  Lucky for me, about 90% of the time it does.  Once I’m on Google+, I’m hightailing it to the About tab of their page in hopes they’ve chosen to include their email address under their contact information.  This, to me, is the easiest alternative for responding to a comment.  It takes literally 2 left clicks and a right click of your mouse!  One left click on their name, one on their About tab, and a right click on their email address to copy and paste it! 

For those that unaware there is a place to include information such as your email address on Google+, no worries; that’s what I’m here for!  First, you can have one of two pages with Google+.  Either a business page or a personal profile.  For those of you with a Google+ business page, just under your header image, is a navigation bar that includes the following tabs: About / Posts / Photos / Videos / Reviews.  For those of you with a personal profile page, depending if you are viewing the page as yourself or the public, it will contain the following tabs: About / Posts / Photos / YouTube / +1’s / Reviews.  Tabs that are viewable to the public are in red font.  Once you’ve located these tabs, you’ll want to click on the About tab.  The following is a screen shot of my personal profile page.

Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories

Once you are in the About tab, you will see a bunch of boxes including People, Story, Work, Education, Places, Basic Information, Contact Information, Links, etc.  Go ahead and click on the edit button in the Contact Information box to type your email address in.  Now you’ll have to decide who you want to see this information.  Google+ gives you the option to choose: Public, Your Circles, Only You, or Custom (which allows you to manually enter people, circles, or communities).  Although I would recommend choosing public, it’s not for everyone.  Understandably.  A lot of people aren’t keen on having their email address out there for anyone and everyone to use.  However, keep in mind, that in the blogging community, providing a means of contact to the public is essential especially if you’d like to build relationships.

Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories
Once you click on the edit button, you will see this screen.
Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories
Then you can choose who will be able to see your email address.
Locate an email for a noreply-comment with G+ via Cropped Stories

So, you may be wondering what prompted this topic.  It’s very simple.  I always feel really terrible when I can’t respond to a comment.  I will actually harp on it.   Before I know it, I am imagining being the person that took the time to leave such a kind comment and not receiving a response from the blogger (me).  Apparently I care way too much about what people think of me, and the last thing I want is for them to think that I am rude, antisocial,  and uninterested in having any type of relationship with my readers. 

On a closing note, I’d like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to anyone that has ever left me a comment and didn’t receive a response back.  I truly appreciate every comment I receive!  Please know that if you didn’t receive a response from me, it was because I could not locate your contact information or website.

Before I let you go, please feel free to stop by The PINcentive Blog Hop (Week 13) for a chance to meet some new people and make new friends.  As a reminder, the winner’s of our blog hop get their content pinned a minimum of 31 times by my team of pinners.  This, of course, is in addition to co-hosting our next hop, choosing our winner, and to priority seating!

And I can’t let you leave without mentioning my fabulous Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake recipe!  If you missed it, I hope you’ll check it out!  It’s a great dessert to make for the holidays!  Definitely a crowd pleaser; you will not be disappointed!


  1. Great tutorial and I had to do this back last year, because I didn't realize I was a no reply blogger on Blogspot. So truly think you did a great job explaining and think this will help so many others who may have this issue. Thanks Elena!! :)

  2. Hi, Elena! Thanks so much for this explanation! I added my e-mail like you said! :)

  3. Having your email info filled out is very helpful. I've wanted to respond to a few comments, but they were no-reply comment accounts, and they didn't have their G+ info filled out either. You did a GREAT job of explaining. You're awesome. =0)

  4. sometimes it changes on its own. but I do believe I am able to have an email shot to me thru comment b/c it happens all the time

  5. I am a no reply blogger. I fixed it and then it switched me right back to no reply status not too long after. It's too much time and work to keep fixing it. Honestly, you'd think they'd make an effort to fix something like that. Good explanation here. I pinned it.

  6. My brain is now full... Thanks ... and thanks for hooking up to the Hump Day Hook Up

  7. Great info! I have pinned this to my "e learning" board on Pinterest so others can see it, too!
