September 19, 2013

HUGE Blogger Opportunity

If you frequent my website, you are probably familiar with The PINcentive Blog Hop and how it works!  If not, here is a brief description so you can familiarize yourself with it:

Our blog hop runs on a weekly basis (every Tuesday).  Each week, 3 winners are chosen by our cohosts.  Winners get their content featured and pinned a minimum of 31 times by my Pinterest Incentive Program (PIP) team members. 

That’s right, I have a team of 30 people doing some serious pinning for me! Or I did.  Unfortunately, we’ve hit a tiny bump in the road and I am currently looking to replace a handful of members.  With that said, I’d like to extend this opportunity to all of YOU!


Well, let’s see.  First, you’ll have the opportunity to be part of a wonderful team of extraordinary women!  We are very friendly, helpful, supportive, dedicated but, most importantly, great friends! 

Secondly, you’ll have the opportunity to c0-host the blog hop.  Because our team is large, I choose 2 members alphabetically by website name to co-host each week.  As a co-host, blog hop participants will be required to follow you via a method of your choice.  You will also be entitled to priority seating, so your post will be one of the first few in our link up as it will be manually entered!

Third, you will have the opportunity to get two of your very own posts pinned by our team every month.  That means getting each of your posts pinned a total of 30 times!  This is the incentive for being a member!  How do you benefit from getting your content pinned?  Did you know…

Pinterest rates #4 in the Top Social Networking Sites of 2013,
is also the
fastest growing social network in history,
is one of the
largest sources of referral traffic on the web,
and, in terms of SEO, is one of the
best tools out there for creating backlinks to your website
which plays a HUGE role in increasing both your page rank and views?

Did I mention I’ll display your image in our gorgeous graphic?  Not only is this featured every week in our blog hop posts which will include a link back to your website, but also on my PINcentive Blog Hop page!  Come on, can’t you just see yourself on here?

Pinterest Incentive Program Member Graphic


  1. Repinning the winner’s content on a weekly basis.  Since I create the the original pins for my team (descriptions and hashtags included), all you are responsible for is choosing a board and clicking on that little ol’ pin it button.  Easy enough right?
  2. Since this a I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine type of program, you will also be responsible for pinning your team’s content.  Just like you, they are entitled to having 2 of their posts pinned by the team as well.  This means having to repin a total of 60 pins (2 posts x 30 members).  Sound like a lot?  Well, not really and I’ll tell you why.  You’ll have the entire month to repin your team’s content so there’s no rush.  Also, as a reminder, I am creating the original pins and providing the link to everyone, so it’s as simple as clicking on my link which will take you directly to Pinterest and clicking on the pin it button. 
  3. Updating your number of Pinterest followers on a monthly basis.


Let’s find out!  In order to qualify, you must

  • have a minimum of 200 Pinterest followers,
  • be a Google+ member so you are able to access our private community, and 
  • have basic working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

As a quality control measure, our team updates a shared spreadsheet with the URLs for the repins they create.  It serves as an excellent organizational tool.  Additionally, it ensures the task is being completed and in a timely fashion.

Why is this necessary?

Our team consists of ONLY dedicated but, more importantly, professional bloggers.  Professional in that we have all worked hard to establish a reputation for ourselves.  What message would we be sending if we promised something to our readers (or in this case to the winner’s of our blog hop) and didn’t follow through?  We would start to lose credibility and the reputations we worked so hard to create would eventually start to diminish. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have Excel, we can provide you with free access.

So, what do you say, will you take the opportunity?
If so, feel free to click on the image below to sign up!

Pinterest Incentive Program Sign Up Form

If you missed my previous post, Easy Banana Coconut Mini Muffins and Giveaway, I hope you’ll stop by and check it out!
Want to win $500?  Who doesn’t right?  Celebrate the 1 year blogiversary of A Peek into my Paradise and enter our GIVEAWAY for a chance to win this amazing jackpot!
Speaking of giveaways, would you like to co-host or sponsor one?  Interested parties can visit my Co-host a Giveaway page for more information!


  1. Seriously this is huge opportunity and think anyone who joins us would be gaining in so many ways. And looking forward to seeing who are newest member will indeed be!! :)

  2. Tag, you're it! :)

  3. I would love to participate... But I only have about 160-ish Pinterest Followers right now... Growing every day though.... Mayben next time!!

  4. You are right ... gorgeous graphics are an understatement for your blog mama!!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
