August 22, 2013

Want to contribute to Cropped Stories? (oh, and enter a GIVEAWAY)?

It’s a new day.  It’s an EXCITING day!  Why you ask?  Well because today I’ve decided it would be fun to have interested parties contribute content to Cropped Stories!  Why contribute?  Well let’s see…

In addition to getting to work with me (by the way, I’ve been told I’m extremely fun to work with) and building a new friendship, how about free exposure for your website?  Interested to know how much exposure?  No worries, I would want to know too!  Check out my blog stats currently updated specifically for this post:

Bloglovin’ & GFC combines: 1246 / Twitter: 1018 / Facebook: 899 / Google+: 828 / Pinterest: 553

Average page views per day: 500 – 1000 / Average page views per month: 15,000 – 16,000 / Page views all time: 108,712

My blog statistics are improving every week and my following continues to increase at a steady rate averaging a combined total of 200 - 250 new followers per week!  Just sayin’!

As a contributor, you will be entitled to post mentions and sidebar or page exposure.  This means the displaying of your photo, the inclusion of some general information about yourself and, most importantly, a link back to your website!   Are you pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down?  That’s right, this is a great HUGE opportunity! 



I’m looking for 2 – 4 contributors depending on how often you’d like to post.  A minimum of 1 post will be required per month.  I’m interested in having my contributors provide tips/tutorials/how-to on any one or four of the following topics:

  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Family/Parenting (this can include crafts/diy, recipes, and product recommendations)
  • Photography

As a contributor, you agree to let me edit your content as I see fit to maintain the consistency of my posts and overall theme of my blog.  This includes the designing of graphics for all contributing posts (using your images of course).

If you are still interested, feel free to sign up: CROPPED STORIES CONTRIBUTOR SIGN UP FORM.

Remember when I said it was an exciting day?  Well, it was for more than one reason.  Today, I also get to introduce you to a bunch of lovely ladies!

Katherine’s Corner (like her on Facebook or follow on Pinterest)
LeMoine Family Kitchen (follow her on bloglovin’ or on Pinterest)
J9 Designs (follow her on bloglovin’ or with Twitter)
Parenting with Parents (follow her on bloglovin’ or with Twitter)
This and That (follow her on Twitter or on Pinterest)


August Sponsor Spotlight Introduction

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you missed my previous post, Princess Party Decor, feel free to check it out!  Also, I just published a post on The Blog Hangout on TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR PAGE RANK!

Want a chance to win a $200 Amazon Gift Card and a box of 6 Woolzies?  There is still time to enter our GIVEAWAY!

As a reminder, my NEW BLOG HOP will be going live in less than 2 short weeks!  That’s right folks, on September 3rd (Tuesday)!  If you don’t want to miss the opportunity to increase your traffic and improve your page rank, I’d subscribe to receive the email reminder!

Have a wonderful weekend and I really hope you’ll sign up to become a contributor!


  1. Oh so happy to be a part of and thank you as always for being you!! :)

  2. This sounds like a lot fun. Looking forward to reading all the guest posts. :)
