August 14, 2013

Stay connected with these must have apps!

When a blogger goes on vacation, their smartphone gets some serious use! While Cropped Stories is away, I volunteered to guest post for her. I, too, was away on vacation. I blog over at Krystal’s Kitsch, and I am happy to share some iPhone apps for those well-connected bloggers.

We hit up a beautiful beach on the Atlantic coast of Florida, and enjoyed the very HOT weather! Bloggers love to share photos, document their trips, and stay connected to their readers. I have compiled a list of must have Blogger iPhone Apps for those writers on the go!



BlogGo for Blogger -- Finally! Blogger gets some love. This app is a must have for those who use Blogger. You can post, edit, add photos, etc. to your blog posts. It’s much better than the Blogger app, and it’s very convenient. You can purchase it via iTunes.

Buffer -- Schedule your social media posts while you are away. You can upgrade to the paid account (just $10!), and I really recommend it. The free Buffer only allows 10 scheduled updates, however, the paid one features unlimited scheduling. You can connect up to 12 profiles with the paid one, and this has come in handy since I manage two Facebook accounts, various Twitter pages, and a LinkedIn group!

Camera+ -- This has been my go-to camera app for two years now. While there might be a better iPhone app out there, I haven’t found it yet. I take all my photos in Camera+ and adjust the coloring to ensure that they are clear and crisp. Since I take a lot of photos outside, many are just too dark or too bright from the sun. Camera+ is the only app I have found that adjusts the color accordingly. I definitely recommend it!

Vine -- I’m sorry but Vine is still the best for short, silly videos. Try a Vine challenge; take a Vine every hour (or two) or compile a bunch of awesome moments from your day and upload at night. Either way, Vine is fast and fun!

Pocket -- When you’re on the go, you don’t want to spend TOO much time reading Twitter, blogs, or emails. I use Pocket which is a “read it later” type app. I copy URLs and add them directly to Pocket, or if you use Tweetbot, you can send tweets directly to your Pocket. This is SUPER helpful if you are scanning your Twitter feed and want to save someone’s tweet.

Other (obvious) apps to use while away on vacation or just plain busy:

Instagram: Share snapshots of your trip
Yelp: Find cool restaurants and tourist spots. Share your reviews and photographs across your social networks.
Foursquare: If you’re okay with sharing your whereabouts, Foursquare is still a popular app (I took a bit of a break from Foursquare, and I was surprised how many people in my network still use it)!

Waze: A fun GPS app. Get traffic alerts, set an avatar, and earn points while you drive.

What do you think? Do you stay connected on vacations or do you go off the grid?

If you missed my previous post, Our “just because” $100 Giveaway, there is plenty of time to enter! 

Also, before you go, have you heard about the NEW BLOG HOP IN TOWN?  In case you missed my announcement, feel free to click on the button below for more details.  It goes live in less than 4 short weeks and we are all super excited!  There is a HUGE INCENTIVE FOR PARTICIPATING including the opportunity to increase your traffic, page views, and rank!  You’ll definitely want to check it out and for interested parties, feel free to subscribe to receive an email reminder!

With the Blog Hop being rolled out, there is no better time to advertise on Cropped Stories.  A link up will only mean more traffic for me which means more exposure for your ad!  Did I mention my sponsors will be entitled to priority seating at the Blog Hop?  That’s right, you will get the VIP treatment!  I wouldn’t want you to miss the opportunity to receive 30% off when you use the promo code CELEBRATING (in all CAPS) at checkout too!  Check out my ADVERTISE page for more information.



  1. Totally going to have to look into Camera+, because I too have issues with outdoor lighting with iPhone camera. Thanks so much for sharing. Wonderful guest post!!

  2. Great apps mama ... thank you for the info.
    I agree with Janine -- definitely going to have to check out the camera app for sure.

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  3. Thanks for letting me contribute to your blog. <3 Look forward to future collaborations!

  4. I may have to look into this pocket app!

    Thank you for these suggestions :)

  5. This is great. I too will need to download the camera+ . Thanks.

  6. Whoa - BlogGo! I think that's just what I need for my next trip. And Camera+ looks like a must have!

  7. Definitely going to be looking into the Camera+ app. Thanks for the great info!! :)

    Vicky @

  8. I use Twitter and the blogger app. I really don't have anything else downloaded on my phone. I use a Galaxy S4 and it takes really great pics so I don't need another camera app. Those are some great ones you have listed though. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I use Instagram and Twitter when not at home, along with Facebook. I will def. check into Camera+. Thanks so much.
