July 8, 2013

Dayz of Summer Photography Checklist (will you take the challenge)?

Yesterday as I was riding in the car with my hubby we drove past a couple of farms.  I was practically kicking myself for not having my camera with me to catch the cows grazing and the horses galloping.   I don’t know what it is about the Summer months that makes me want to pick up my camera and take pictures of, well, almost everything.  With my country music playing in the background and the air from the window blowing through my hair, I thought what better time to start compiling a list of the things I’d like to capture on camera this Summer.  While some things I wanted to take pictures of came incredibly easy to me (like a hammock, horses, a canoe, the lake, etc.), I had to put in some effort to remember the small but wonderful things about Summer that are often taken for granted.  Stuff like iced coffee, fruit salad, a grilled hot dog, the ice cream truck, a tire swing, etc.  Once I started thinking smaller, it was hard to stop.  The ideas kept coming and I realized that my once modest checklist was quickly becoming endless.  Isn’t Summer the best?

If you are a photog like myself but haven’t been able to compile your own list of items you’d like to photograph, feel free to download my 8.5 x 11:



Days of Summer Photography Checklist

I’m using it to challenge myself.  I’m curious to see, by the end of Summer, how many things I would have crossed off my list.  I’d like to think, and I’m striving towards, crossing off 75% of it!  I think that’s realistic.  If I can cross off more, than kudos to me!  How about you?  Will you take the challenge?  I hope you will.  And have some fun with it!  Get creative, add to the list if you’re feeling inspired, and most importantly don’t forget to share your images with me!  I’d love to see them!


1. Go AU NATUREL!  Only clothing IS required.  I mean shoot in natural light when possible.  Nothing makes a photograph amazing like proper exposure and lighting. 
2. TILT your camera. Unique angles make an image interesting.  Be careful though.  Too much camera tilt can make the viewer a little nauseous and leave them with neck strain.  Not good.
3. Don’t be afraid to chop off some of your image with a CROP.  You can do this in camera or in post processing.  A good crop can make an okay image great!  Don’t know where to crop?  You can’t go wrong with the rule of thirds
4. ZOOM in and FILL THAT FRAME!  Some of the most engaging images are those that are close up and allow you to view all the wonderful details of the subject.
5. NEGATIVE SPACE is your friend.  It draws attention and focus to the subject!
6. GET DIRTY.  Your perspective is what makes a photo personal, unique, and unusually interesting.  Always be ready and willing to get down low (I’m talking stomach down on the ground if needed) or high up (fence, tree, or ladder climbing) whatever it takes to get that shot! 


If you missed my previous post, Happy Aloha Friday Blog Hop, please feel free to check it out!  There is still time to link up and we’d love to have you!

Also in case you missed my AD Space Available announcement and you’re interested in reserving a spot on my website, you’ll definitely want to check out the details especially now when I’m offering 30% off any ad spot size!  You can also visit my ADVERTISE page for additional information.

And before I leave you, have you checked out my featured sponsors


  1. Ok, seriously this a great challenge and if I didn't have so much on my plate would so try to do myself. But loved seeing all you have come up with so far and can't wait to see more now. Thank you for sharing and your tips were awesome, too!! :)

  2. Hi! Visiting from Mom's Mingle Monday. Love the black & white timeline photos. I am just starting to try to improve my photography and now can appreciate a good photo:)


  3. Great shots and I love your days of summer checklist!

  4. Great list - pinned it.

    I've already captured a few of these!

    The Kitchen is My Dance Floor

  5. Amazing tips! Seriously thoughtful and not obvious at all. I have such a photography checklist this summer but the big ones are:
    My first wedding!

  6. What a great challenge. Alas a photographer I am not but definitely love taking pictures. I'll pin this for you too to spark some interest out there :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  7. This is great! I am getting a little better with my photography just using my Iphone so I love this list. Since being away, I have realized how amazing my pictures come out when I shoot outside. Such great tips!

  8. What a fabulous list! And a great idea and tips! I never would have thought to tilt the camera! This definitely gives me food for thought for the family and I's upcoming vacation! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up with This Momma's Meandering Mondays! Have an amazing week!

  9. Great list! Love the bird photo, very pretty :)

  10. I'm a camera-less girl now. Got it broken so I'm surviving Nokia. I would love to join a winter photography challenge if you're going to do something like that! ;)

  11. Good advice! I definitely take the camera out more often in the summer! And I am glad to see that I do use all of your tips!! :)

  12. Your blog is to die for! Thanks for following my twitter / pinterest / bloglovin and blog!! I definitely am returning the follows! Hope you are having a great day and glad to grab a new friend!

    ciao ♥

  13. Stopping by from the blog hop! :) Thanks for introducing yourself on my blog. Looking forward to reading your blog in the future.


  14. Lovely photos and great tips.!! Thank you for popping by my blog xx

  15. Thanks for stopping by, your blog is so cute and filled with so much info. Loving this challenge. :)

  16. This list is great. I always have my camera with me & my ipod touch too.

  17. Hello,
    very nice your blog :)
    Thank you for visit The Shopper Ica :)

  18. Love the tips, and I agree summer makes me itch to photograph more than any other season! I think it's the light outside, it just tempts me to try and capture it.

  19. GREAT tips! I'm just barely learning how to use my camera, but it's really fun. =0) Once I learn how to fully use this one, then I'll be ready for my dream DSLR cam. =0)

  20. Hi! I'm visiting from GFC Lovin Hop. Your blog and photos are beautiful, and so is Alivia! Following you on Bloglovin and Twitter!

  21. Such great ideas and tips!
    Thanks for sharing, I'm feeling inspired to start taking more pictures.


  22. This is such a great idea! I'm going to have to be on the lookout for some of these. Thanks for stopping by my blog, now following you as well!

  23. What a great idea! I'm taking your challenge, but making my own list of things on our farm that I would love to post. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Definitely taking this challenge! I have been foregoing by t3i for my phone way too often lately, and I think this will motivate me to actually use my camera. I just printed it out! :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I would love to respond via email, but you come up as a no-reply blogger! It might have something to do with you having a Google Plus profile instead of the old Blogger profile.
    Just linked up with the lovely blog hop!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  25. Hi~ I'm following you from the blog hop~thanks for co-hosting. I was here earlier and thought I left a message, so if this is a repeat...oops.:)

    What a great idea! I'm taking your challenge, but making my own list of things on our farm that I would love to post. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Great photos. I really want to learn how to use my camera more effectively. Thank you for those pointers. Thanks for linking up with Pin it! Tuesday! Don't forget to check back next Tuesday to see if you were featured!

  27. I'm not the best photographer on earth but don't you love it when you're uploading pictures from your SD card and you see that you got some successful shots? Hehe :)
    Thanks for following me. I'm following you on bloglovin and GFC now! Looking forward to the next post :3 xx

  28. Thank you for visiting I Love My Post! It's great to connect with you. I look forward to reading more on your blog! Ruth from Captain America & His English Rose This week's co-host!

  29. Great photos and tips! This is a super idea for a post! Thanks for sharing this with us this weekend at One Sharendipity Place!

    sue @ thet2women.com

  30. Awesome photos!

    I am co-hosting this week on the My Favorite Posts Showoff Weekend Blog Party. Thanks for connecting up!

    I host a (Not SO) Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop and a TGIF Link Party over at my place -- A Peek Into My Paradise... http://apeekintomyparadise.blogspot.com/ I would love for you to link up and follow if you like what you see. =) I follow back - I love making new friends!

    Have a terrific week!

    Hugs, Cathy

  31. I am tickled that you linked this! I just got a new DSLR and I'm so excited to use it and I hope to use your post as a jumping off point! Featuring this at Family Fun Friday.

  32. Elena,

    I am featuring your post. I've captured a piece of your list as a part of the image I use to promote Family Fun Friday. Please let me know if this will be a problem. I provide a link to your site to send my readers to read your post. Feel free to contact me if you would rather I not feature your post since I need a part of your image to do so. Thanks!

  33. Nice Blog with great pictures !! Thanks for Sharing !!!!

    Niv Borsuk| Steve Borsuk
