June 13, 2013

The Candid Photograph

What’s the difference between an okay photograph and one that makes you want to keep looking at it for hours? 

In my experience, I’d have to say camera settings, proper exposure, focus, and perspective.  To me, the least important contributing factor is the subject.  When you can make even the most mundane look exciting, fresh, and appealing than you my friend have just crossed over from being a so so photographer to an exceptional one! 


THE CANDID PHOTOGRAPH AND WHY I PREFER IT BUTTONOf course, I haven’t yet mastered that skill.  You know, making the mundane look extraordinary.  Mostly because I never practiced that type of photography.  In fact when I picked up my first real camera (a digital DSLR) for the first time, I aimed it right at my newborn and have been hooked on taking photographs of babies and children ever since.  I was immediately intrigued with their innocence, beauty, free spirit, dependency, curiosity, and overall demeanor!  Now I just had to figure out how to catch that on camera. 

Through the years I finally learned how to do this.  The answer summed up in one six letter word: “CANDID”.  That’s right.  It was that simple and it made sense.  The definition of candid is truthful and straightforward; frank.  And in terms of photography: taken informally.  That’s exactly what I wanted my photographs to convey.  Honesty.  No forced smiles, stuffy outfits, backdrops, reflectors, artificial lighting, props, etc.  That wouldn’t be a true representation of the child I had the pleasure of meeting.  The one I met laughed at her Nana while she made a silly face from across the park, looked curiously at the camera as she was pushed on a swing for the first time, put her hand in her mouth to relieve the pain of teething, and sported the most adorable toothless smile when her daddy kissed her on the head!  I want my images to be the end, unique, and, most importantly, true result of the child’s individual experiences.  I strive to create images that provoke interpretation.  When a person looks at my photograph and is inclined to imagine what may have been going on when I snapped the shot, than I’ve done my job!  And I’ve done it well! 

Enter: Mattea (the adorable little princess in the images below).  She is the daughter of my stepbrother.  In addition to being unbelievably photogenic, she is also good natured and happy!  Smiles were easy to come by and did I mention contagious?  Let’s not dismiss the obvious either.  How gorgeous is she?

candid photographs of child in park

If you missed my previous post, Does your child respect their things, feel free to check it out! 

For all you last minute shoppers that haven’t picked up something for Father’s Day, I’ve got some great Men’s Gift Recommendations too!


  1. Hi Elena, thanks for joining the lady's blog hop.
    These are beautiful photos and very pretty baby girl. So love those eyes! Thanks for following me on my blog and followed you too on bloglovin and gfc. See you on the 24th for hop #2!

  2. First off your step-brother's daughter is absolutely gorgeous and love all the pictures. And yes I totally agree with you on candid and have learned this lesson through my own girls quite well after all this time. So, couldn't agree more!!

  3. Those eyes! That hair! What a beauty. Good job!

  4. Totally agree Candid's are the best. My favourite pics of my son are the ones that were taken when he had no idea.


  5. These images are great! My son has a pretty funky eye color and I look forward to the day that I can capture it like in the top right picture. Mattea is an adorable little girl!

  6. She is so pretty! And you did a great job with your candid shots.

  7. What a pretty girl! You really captured some great shots!!

  8. Such a beautiful baby! I agree that candids are wonderful, and yet there are harder than they look! I always think there is a fine line between a wonderful candid, and random odd candid. Not sure if that makes sense. I guess what I mean is that there is still a lot of skill that goes into the making of a candid! Be patient and waiting for the right moment is crucial.

  9. Wonderful candids of a beautiful little girl! I prefer candids to posed shots myself... they tell a more truthful story for sure.

  10. What a beautiful little girl! Her eyes are gorgeous!

  11. Great photos, she is beautiful!

  12. Your photography is amazing! And your subjects are adorable!

  13. Thanks for the photography tips. I am also following you now via G+. Sorry don't do Pininterest or the rest! :-)
