June 24, 2013

Inspiring Blog Headers II!

That’s right, they’re BAAAAACCCKKKKK! 

Incase you missed my first post, Inspiring Blog Headers, feel free to check it out!  I wouldn’t want you to miss out on such an inspiring post!


If you are a regular visitor, you might notice something different about my page.  That’s right, I redesigned it!  With all the inspiration online, I couldn’t help myself!  One of my favorite things to do, other than reading posts of course, is to check out blog designs!  Let’s face it, your design and layout is an important aspect of blogging.  It falls right under content.  If you are among the bloggers that provide awesome content (which many of you do) and also have a rockin’ blog design, than BRAVO!  Of course, for a person like me that has an extreme obsession with design, I can get a little distracted by your beautiful blog header, unique social media icons, brilliantly designed navigation toolbar, and perfectly coordinating blog button while trying to read your fabulous post.  Don’t worry I always manage to read them in their entirety, it just takes me longer!  If this sounds familiar, I’m afraid you are a design obsessed geek too!  If you are, I’m loving it!  I’d hate to be alone!

In fact, I recently created a Google+ Community dedicated to this very topic: DESIGN.  I named it Digital Art: Inspiration for Bloggers.  If you’re on Google+, I hope you’ll check it out.  If you are interested, please drop me a comment and I’ll be sure to send you an invite!  I’d love to see what inspires you!

Digital Art G+ Community

Now onto the good stuff: THE BLOG HEADERS!  I have 14 for you today!  They are in no particular order.  I love them all.  Okay, okay, if you’re going to twist my arm, I guess I’ll have to share my favorites with you. 

#1 Dear Beautiful You is simply astounding!  Aside from the gorgeous color palette and cool category tabs, those social media icons are AMAZING!  Seriously look at them!  Are you looking?  Aren’t they amazing?

#2 en route Photography is all sorts of UNIQUE!  Everything from the brilliant blog name to the air mail theme just works!  Not only do I love the black & white photos but the ones she selected are so cute!

#4 I love the simplicity of Starting over at the Dirty Thirty!  The spilled over nail polish bottle is a great touch and the @ the dirty thirty font is FABULOUS!  Perfect color, perfect size, perfect font.  ‘Nough said!

1. Dear Beautiful You
2. en route Photography
3. The Dwelling Tree
4. Starting over at the Dirty Thirty
5. The Blue Birdhouse
6. Sweet Lavender Bake Shoppe
7. Ramblings of a Southern Belle
8. Sunny with a chance of Sprinkles
9. According to Jen
10. Colorful Commotion
11. Her New Leaf
12. Pretty Little Elm
13. Under the Sycamore
14. Yellow Blackbird

Inspiring Blog Headers II

So now I’m dying to know; which one(s) is/are your favorite(s)?  Don’t leave me hangin’!

On a final note, if you missed my previous post, Get Festive with this 4th of July Décor, I hope you’ll check it out!  It’s a must read for anyone hosting the holiday this year!


  1. Loving your new header and seriously you are so creative. And so happy to be a part of your G+ hangout. And as for the headers you chose, I am having a hard time deciding, they are all so wonderful in their own right and seriously so inspiring indeed!! :)

  2. These are really awesome! You've been finding amazing headers. I'm going to have to look into revamping mine!

  3. How can I pick just one! All of these are so wonderfully tied to each blogs identity.

    The dwelling tree definitely pulls at me though. I just love it!

  4. I love the new design! The colors are so pretty, looks great!

  5. They are so beautiful. I like writing and photography but I am pretty bad at design. I am so lacking that it almost hurts to see these beautiful examples! They're marvelous. I'm not sure I could pick a favorite.

    So nice to connect on all forms social media! I can tell this is a regular hangout for me.

  6. I am loving your new header ... Nice work mama!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  7. Your new header looks great, I love the colors!

  8. These are ALL great headers. Can't wait to come back and check them out!

  9. Aw I love seeing my simple little header up there :) There's some real beauties in the mix!

  10. Oh my gosh thank you so much!!!

  11. Hi Elena! You literally made my day with this post! Of course I am THRILLED you featured my header! I will be the happiest gal around all day now- my family will want to thank you. LOL:).

    Thanks again. And your blog and design is beautiful. What a lovely family!

    Tiffany @ The Dwelling Tree

  12. Love the design! Though I'm not a 'qualified' designer, I love meddling in it too!

  13. I'm visiting from pin-it Tuesday. I think I'd have to go with beautiful you as my top pick. I love the page tabs! Makes me wish I knew more about creating graphics and html text so that I could make one of my own! :)

  14. Your design headers are always wonderful Elena♥ The Dear Beautiful You...oh mama mia.

  15. Oh yes please add me to your circle on G+. I would love to be inspired by headers!! Honestly my fav one was yours. Your little one is adorable!

  16. Elena,

    You have fabulous photos!!! I am so glad you found my site AMomInTheMaking.com and hence I found you :) I'm following you too! Looking forward to talking more.


  17. Hello! Now following you on Bloglovin! I'm excited to check out more of your blog, this is a awesome segment! I also love looking at blog designs and graphics and all that jazz, so fun!


  18. Super cute, I love these! Great post Elena!

  19. Yay! I love that you featured the header I created for Sunny with a Chance of Sprinkles! Thank you!!

  20. Oh these are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them!

  21. They are all beautiful! Thanks for linking up at Pin It Tuesday!

  22. #12! How does one get something like this for their own blog?

  23. I LOVE dear beautiful you! This gets me super excited for my post tomorrow!

    Now following!


  24. I love all of those header you posted! Designing my blog is one of my favorites aspect of blogging... it's exciting to express yourself not through just writing but through the graphics :)

    I am going through a redesign right now and opted for a simpler, modern take.

    Have a great day!

  25. Just wanted to say "thank you" for linking up on my Bloglovin Blog Hop!

    Take care,
    Happy Kids, Inc

  26. Design obsessed? Guilty!!! I'm your newest follower. ~Ann

  27. I love your blog, and I'm totally digitally design obsessed too! Please add me to your Google+ community (heatherton@gmail.com) Thanks!!

  28. Thank you so much for adding my header! xoxo.

  29. I love all of these headers. It's nice to have some inspiration! Thanks for linking this up last week at the pin it proudly link party. I pinned it on pinterest I can’t wait to see what you link up this week! here's the link to this weeks party
