May 28, 2013

Propagating Basil is Easy

I don’t know about you, but I love having fresh herbs to cook with.  If you feel the same way, than you are sure to love this post by Marci at Stone Cottage Adventures!  For those not familiar with Marci, I’d definitely recommend stopping by especially if you are interested in sewing, crafts, recipes and gardening!  She even has an entire page dedicated to things you can do in and around Northwest Arkansas (which is great if you ever plan to visit or vacation there). Honestly it could be so easy for me to go on and on about all my Guest Bloggers if I wasn’t so focused but, since I am, I’m going to stop right here and let Marci take over.  Enjoy!
And if you missed my previous Guest Blogger’s post, A Nautical Theme Kids Party, I sure hope you’ll check it out! 

Hello!  My name is Marci.  Our home is an old rock farmhouse built in the 1930s. There are two greenhouses, a vegetable garden, herbs, several flower beds, lots of hobbies and too many pets. Thankfully our neighbors love us! They say being our neighbor is like living next door to Old MacDonald and Martha Stewart!  My blog is Stone Cottage Adventures .  I hope you’ll visit us often!


Is it possible to have too much basil?  Nope!  Propagating basil is very easy.  Let me show you how!  You might remember in the  EZ Pizza or Tomato with Basil Recipe  post where I mentioned leaving the top two basil leaves on the stem.  Here's why!

propagating basil guest post
All you have to do is place the stem in a glass of water and let it hang out.  I like to put it in a north facing window where the basil gets lots of light but not direct sun. Change the water every other day to keep it clean. You'll see roots in about one week. After a couple of weeks or so the basil usually has enough roots to place in soil or a pot. Mmmm...  more basil!! 

;-)  - MARCI

1 comment:

  1. Well that was really easy! I love basil and thanks for the tip! Great pics too by the way!
