May 7, 2013

Inspiring Blog Headers (a collection of my favorites)!

See the poll in my sidebar (to the right)?  Feel free to take it if you’d like!  It would really help me out!  I’d love to to know what topic appeals to you most!


Thinking about a facelift for your website?  I think about it all the time.  Not because I don't like my current design but because I have a tiny obsession with creating new things!  I like to push, challenge, and test myself artistically.  It aids my growth and, yes, feeds my obsession quite nicely!  Design has always been a passion for me.  In my blog hopping ventures, I've come across quite a variety of gorgeous designs. Some so beautiful that I can't help stopping over repeatedly just to gawk at their blog header (mouth wide open in aw and eyes bulging from my head included).  Yes, they have that much impact on me!  I guess you could say I'm a design stalker of sorts.  Don't worry, I'm harmless I promise.  I just love and appreciate anything that inspires me!  To me, it's the best feeling in the world!

When it comes to design, I’d say I’m rather eclectic.  I love and appreciate everything from simple (like #6: Her & Nicole and #2: Behind the Camera and Dreaming) and graphic (like #5: City of Dionne), to illustrated (like #1: A Cat-Like Curiosity and #3: Daily Mom) designs.  I love bright, colorful, and high contrast graphics and images but also pastel palettes, toned images and neutral backgrounds.  I'm a huge font nut too!  The right font can change the entire look of a website.  It can take a website design that was already good to absolutely BRILLIANT! 

So, if you are anything like me, and are into design (specifically graphic and website design), I'm sure you'll appreciate what I have for you today.

A collection of some of my favorite blog headers!  I hope they do for you what they've done for me:


1. A Cat-Like Curiosity
2. Behind the Camera and Dreaming
3. Daily Mom
4. According to Matt
5. City of Dionne
6. Her & Nicole
7. Organized Jen
8. Naked Homeowner
9. The Vintage Honey Shop
10. Minne's Diner

Out of these 10, I have to say my favorite is the first one.  It’s seriously GENIUS!
The Vintage Honey Shop is a close second!
Really, though, love them all!
Kudos to the designers!  Well done!

Blog Headers


If you missed my previous post Famepack (genius or ridiculous), by all means check it out!  It’s a must read for anyone that is a member of a social network!


  1. ooh, these are all gorgeous! my favourite is either no. 1 or no. 5- loving the sketches and the typewriter :)

  2. Lovely headers, I think the typewriter is my favorite too! Found your blog via the tuesday blog hop ;)

  3. LOVE THIS!! Thanks so much for the feature :)

    Off to share this - EVERYWHERE!!

    A Cat-Like Curiosity

  4. I love my blog header but some of these are great! number 7 is my fave. I love being organized and I like how her header is all about the file tabs... that was genius!

  5. Wow, why am i just discovering this, thanks so much for the feature...i love simplicity too, but some of these headers i am envious of, lol!

    this is great!!

  6. I voted!

    Those are some great headers. I am not ready to self-host my blog but will have to come back here for some inspiration when I am!

  7. I'm happy with my blog header...for now. Sarah Halstead did it for me, and it's light and happy, but some of these are fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  8. hi, i'm following the "GFC blog hop" and i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it.

    new follower bev
    ps lovely blog header

  9. I love simplicity so Rekita's is my favorite in that mix..

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  10. They are all so great! I do love #1 the best though. I love a nice, clean, simple blog header. I've been meaning to change mine up for months now, just haven't found the time to redesign my blog. Hopefully this summer!

  11. Thank you for featuring us!!!! So sweet!!!

  12. Thank you so much for featuring us!!!! So sweet!! All of these headers rock!!!

  13. Hello,
    Wow, these are very creative. I need to step up my header game. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Hello,
    Wow, these are nice and very creative. I need to step up my header game. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Totally agree!! I do that quite often because people have such gorgeous designs! Love the Her&Nicole one and City of Dionne!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Will follow you as well :-)

  16. Hello Elena,
    I'm so glad you found me :) I'm lovin' your blog! I look forward to your future posts. Oh and yes those headers are awe.some.

  17. SOOOO inspiring! These are amazzzzing. Thanks so much for linking up, Elena! XO, ellie @ creative geekery

  18. These are awesome headers I am always looking for some design inspiration. I am just came by to thank you for stopping by my blog and let you know that I am following you back.

  19. I love all of them! But I would say #5 or #9. Hard to choose though!

    Shelly- co-hosting Blog Hop!

  20. These are great! I am a new blogger and these are inspiring. Thank You!
