May 22, 2013

Bull Ride? None for me thanks!

We went to a local carnival this past weekend and wouldn’t you know they had a bull ride!  It didn’t take long for it to get the ol’ hubby’s attention and before I knew it, he was holding on for dear life!  I’m so happy I had my camera with me (can’t believe I was actually debating on whether to bring it)!  The expressions I caught on camera were priceless!  While I was snapping away, his sister was timing him to see how long he could stay on!  It was a freaking riot!  Alivia watched with what could only have been confusion !  I don’t think she knew what to make of it!   Bull Ride? None for me thanks!  I sure had a heck of a time watching my husband on it though!  I even busted his chops a little when he fell off.  Accused him of having (how can I say this nicely) girl parts if you know what I’m saying!  Of course, who am I to talk?  I didn’t even have the courage to try!  It’s amazing how much of a wimp I’ve become in my old age!  If it were 1o years ago, I would have been riding that thing like there was no tomorrow!  Okay, okay, I have to give the hubby props!  Go baby!


Digital frame courtesy of The Coffeeshop Blog

If you missed my previous post, Does your Child Stutter, feel free to catch up!  Also, if you missed the poll I have displayed at the top of my page in my sidebar to the right, I sure hope you’ll check it out!  Your vote would be greatly appreciated!

On a final note, just a little reminder.  Father’s Day will be here before you know it!  If you are looking for some great gift ideas, you’ll definitely want to read my My Top 15 Men’s Gift Recommendations post! 


  1. OMG that's funny!! I give him credit, I would never have the guts to get on one of those!!! If he made it longer than a minute, extra props to him!

  2. I am going to be nice and say he lasted on there for a 1 minute and 33 seconds!! Great job by your hubby by the way, but I am so with you and would not have done this either. Although just like you would have done this in a heartbeat when I was younger, too!!

  3. I would totally ride a mechanical bull. HOw much fun is that!!!! Great job by your husband :)

    Don't forget to stop by and link up tomorrow on my Tres-Chic Fashion Thursday Link Up and enter my stella & dot giveaway.


  4. He is making it look easy! So I am guessing the longest time? I would not be able to do that, I too have become a bit of a wimp, my body just can't take what it used to! :)

  5. This is too cute! My husband would probably do the same thing.
    My answer is A ... 44 seconds!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  6. Lord have mercy...what a man! My back would of given out and that would of been the end of me♥ Love the many faces of your hubby. Thanks for making me smile today! So how many second did he stay up there?

  7. Wow, props to your hubby, not sure I would have the courage to try this.
    The pics are great. I will also say 1.33!


  8. That is too funny!! :) I'm going for 1 minute and 33 seconds, you had to have had some time to take these great pix.
    Kudos to your hubby and to you for getting the pictures in time :)

  9. Following you back on Twitter. We already follow you on Facebook and Blog Lovin. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Not sure my comment went thru. We are already following you vi Facebook and Blog Lovin...and now on Twitter. Thanks for sharing!

  11. ha! I think 1 min 33 sec!....thanks for stopping by and showing all your support, am following you back in all networks too :)

    Claudia @
