April 24, 2013

Wordless, who me?

Not completely wordless, but close. 

Looking over at my little one makes me think of how great it is to be a kid.  When all it takes are little things like a pink hat or animal print sneakers to make you smile, to make you happy, to make you love life!  There is no confusion, fuss, chaos, stress, worry, responsibility.  Just SIMPLICITY!  I wish it could always be like this for her. 

toddler with hat

What do you miss the most about being a kid?

Don’t forget to come back tomorrow to link up to The PIN IT Party that I’m co-hosting!  It goes live on Thursday at 7:30 am (EST).  Hope to see you there!

If you missed my previous post How to increase your blog traffic (and make new friends) , I hope you’ll check it out!

Additionally, if you like my blog and want to vote for me on Picket Fence Blogs, by all means click on that button below!  I would be ever so grateful!

Kleinworth & Co., your best weekly button, DIY sharing, project sharing, recipe sharing, weekly Wednesday blog link upLive and Love...Out LoudLife as we know it by Paula


  1. Voted! I love your photos... so beautiful!

  2. Such awesome pictures, it's most likely Alivia's "fault". And yes, I agree with you on that wordless thingy, it's quite hard to be one when you're a mom :)

  3. Such awesome pictures, it's most likely Alivia's "fault". And yes, I agree with you on that wordless thingy, it's quite hard to be one when you're a mom :)

  4. Such awesome pictures, it's most likely Alivia's "fault". And yes, I agree with you on that wordless thingy, it's quite hard to be one when you're a mom :)

  5. I feel the same way when I look at my daughter!

  6. I miss the fact that time seemed to go so slow when you were young. The older you get you realize how fast life is passing you by!
    I voted for you on Picket Fences!
    Have a great Wednesday.


  7. Love her scrunched up face, and her sneakers are adorable!!
    Having a Mom like you is another reason for her to smile :))

  8. LOVE her sneakers, where did you get that? Oh well, sometimes I wish I'm a kid again :)

  9. How adorable is she?!?!? I love that hat! :-)

  10. She's a real cutie. I don't miss anything about being a kid, except my grandma. :) I miss my kids being kids though, three of them are not. :)

  11. My lil one (she's 2 years old) would LOVE her sneakers!!! She's such a girly girl. =0)
    I miss the carefree lifestyle of a kiddo - no bills, no worries.
    Now following your blog via bloglovin, and I'm also following on Pinterest too.

  12. She is so cute.... I am following you on BlogLovin...

  13. I just LOVE those sneakers and that hat! So fun! What do I miss most? Hmm I would say now that I have Julianna, I see the pure innocence in her - and I miss that. The ability to not have outside stuff in the world affect you and just play & be so happy all day long!

  14. Oh my gosh, your little girl is just adorable. And where can I grab those sneakers?! My little one would love those! If only our babies could stay this way forever :-)

  15. Your little girl is so sweet! Love her hat and sneakers!
    Thanks for the follow! =)

    Melissa @ My Recent Favorite books

  16. thanks for the follow - will follow back
