April 1, 2013

What are you pinning? (check out my list of most current & favorite pins)!

First, if you missed my previous post Blog Hops & Facebook (have you read Facebook’s terms)?, feel free to catch up!  It’s a must read for blog hoppers!

On a different note, I’ve been pinning repinning a lot lately.  I try to do it on a daily basis as it inspires me greatly!   Today, I thought I’d share some of my most recent and favorite pins with you!  Get ready, ‘cause I have some good and fun things for you!

1. Autumn spring winter baby coat on Etsy.  Want, need, must have for my little one!
2. Banana chocolate chip baked doughnuts from Janie’s Kitchen.  Want, need, must have for ME!
3. Frog photo prop for newborn on Etsy.  This is just one of the many adorable props from this Etsy store!
4. Hendrix slingback platform sandal at Nordstrom.  I’ve been trying to figure out a way to convince the hubby these ARE a necessity!
5. Crazy 3-D leg tattoo.  If I were going to get a tattoo, it would definitely have to be as artistic as this one.
6. Vintage Inspired Paisley Sterling Silver Spinner Ring with 14k Rose Gold and 10k Yellow Gold Spinners.  First, cigar band rings are so comfortable and secondly I love how this is so casual.  I would wear it with everything!
7. Unfortunately no link for this adorable photo, but I had to include it anyway.  What an awesome perspective!
8. Photographer’s Assistant onsie by Amy Tangerine.  This is just so sweet.
9. Fantastic two piece swim suit!  Just one word: “GORGEOUS”!
10. Fabulous crib with curtains from my home lookbook.  I thought this was such a creative idea for a crib.  And the colors work so well together.
11. Amazing and unique shot!  I love absolutely everything about this image!
12. This is a freakin’ riot; love the facial expression!
13. This quote is so true!  I know my husband would definitely agree with this.
14. Gorgeous hair!  I’m loving the aviator sunglasses too.
15. Awesome idea for a photo on the inside of an envelope from Kate’s creative space.  Imagine receiving this.  What a great surprise!

If you like these pins, there’s more where these came from!  Feel free to follow one or all of my Pinterest Boards!  Whatever works!

Favorite Pins Collage

As a reminder, I recently added the Facebook Fan Page Like Button to my sidebar.  If you like my page, feel free to drop me a comment so I can return the love like!

Also, I’d love your vote on Picket Fence Blogs!  Only if you like my little bloggy site of course.  Did I mention I’d be very appreciative?  All you have to do is click on the button below!  See how easy I make it.

Dysfunction Junction


  1. I agree on number 13! My husband love that quote. Lol.

  2. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog and following me, I am now following you too on gfc, bloglovin and twitter! Great pins too, I really like numbers 2 and 8!

  3. These are fun! I especially love two and eight!

    Sadly I've been too busy for Pinterest lately. Some days though, I wish I could crawl right inside and live there with all the pretties and yumminess, lol.

  4. Great Pins. I can literally spend hours on Pintrest. So addictive.
    I voted for you on PF.


  5. Thanks for stopping by!! Happy to have you!! Following back:). Alice @ The Owl's Skull

  6. returning the love thanks for following :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is sooo adorable! Happy to follow you back!

  8. Loving the camera onsie and I need to get me some of those crib curtains! Rooming with baby is hard because he pops up, sees me, and screams for me to wake up too instead of going back to sleep.

  9. Lovely blog! Popping in from the linking with the ladies hop ;) Where I have the honor of co-hosting this month! I have followed you all the social media :) Loving your tips!
