April 11, 2013

Guest Bloggers Wanted (and a game if your up for the challenge)!

I’m looking for guest bloggers for May 27th (Monday), 29th (Wednesday), and 30th (Thursday).  I’m looking for posts related to family, children, photography, motherhood, recipes, how-to, tutorials, etc. so if you think you are a good fit, we definitely need to talk!  If you are interested or know someone who is, please feel free to contact me at croppedstories@gmail.comPlease DO NOT leave a comment as I’ve noticed a growing number of people (either with or without their knowledge) are marked as no-reply and I’m afraid I will have no way of contacting you.

The process is real simple.  I will need your post the week before it will be published.  HTML code IS required.  If you are not sure where to find this, please let me know and I can help.  I will reformat posts as necessary to remain consistent with the layout of my website.  This only means that I may change fonts, add a ‘read more’ link, center images, etc.  I would prefer to have images inserted via HTML (they can be be up to a maximum of 850 px wide) or I can’t promise your images will publish well.  I’ve noticed the quality of my images usually suffer when I use the insert image option from my blogging platform.  If you are not sure how to do this, please feel free to read my post ‘HTML to insert images into your posts’.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.  I will be more than happy to help!

Whew!  Now that’s a load off!  Just one more thing off my plate!  Yay!

Before I leave you, here’s a sneak peek of our park adventure last weekend!  I got some great pictures of my niece and nephew (on my husband’s side).  More to come next week!

Post 041213

Now for something a little different.  Hope you are up for the challenge!  Can you find 7 differences in these pictures?


Click HERE for the answers!

And if you missed my previous post Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, I hope you’ll take a look!


Let Them Eat Cake  five days five ways | feature friday free for all


  1. hmm... i have never guest blogged, but it might be fun! perhaps we could do a guest blog swap-a-roonie? did you want me to email???

    oh and love the spot the differences... a bit tricky as i had to keep scrolling up and down for comparisons, but fun nonetheless! staring at that wee face was great!

  2. Just wanted to say that your photography is amazing! You are really talented!

  3. You are a great photographer! Love your pictures! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back on GFC! :)


  4. Hi, new follower. Be sure to stop by Deezy Does It! blog and link up. There's a giveaway too :-)
    xx xo

  5. Amazing pictures (and very beautiful children!)

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, following you too now. :)

    Angela @ A Typical English Home

  6. Hello! Found you through a blog hop. I've been stalking your blog a little bit and I love it! Especially all the photography because that's something I've been trying to get back into lately. I look forward to your future posts :) I'm following you now!

    -Justine @ http://tantrumsandteaparties.blogspot.com

  7. 'Wonderful photos! Thanks again for the invitation to visit! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  8. Thanks for stopping by my site, happily following you back...how could I not when your kids are so darn cute?!?!


  9. Your photos are downright beautiful. Love them!

    Diary of a Debutante

  10. I just nominated you for a Liebster award! Check it out :)

  11. Your daughter so yummy...always puts a smile on my face! Girl, I might of taken you up on the guest blogger but that is memorial day week. But hopefully some other time my friend.

  12. Thanks for all the follows! I am already following you via twitter but now also Pinterest, GFC and blog lovin. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I really liked playing 'spot the difference" , lol! It was different for a blog. I got 6 out of the 7. I'm hoping you can do this regularly like once per month or something. I'd love to guest blog for you but I'm not sure if that would work out well as I'm just starting to hone in on my photography/blogging. I've been catching up on your blog and I enjoy it! You have a new follower here!

  14. Ooh I would love to do this but I will be in the midst of New baby fun by then LOL - I haven't posted any recipes in a while and I have some killer ones lately !! :) Oh well. Have fun!
