February 23, 2013

Maybe I’m just happy

It was a good day today!  The hubby and I got Livi out of the house to see her cousins.  Apparently just in time too because it just started snowing and we are supposed to get around 6 inches of snow.  You will never hear me saying anything positive about snow.  I’m not really a Winter type girl.  I don’t like any snow sports, I hate scraping my car, I am petrified to drive in it, can’t stand to walk in it, and am freezing just thinking about it.  I will say this though…

Tonight as we were leaving my sister-in-law’s, and I looked up at the sky all I could think of was how pretty the snow looked coming down.  The contrast of the white snowflakes against the dark sky was mesmerizing.  Not sure if it was the angle in which they were falling, the way they floated rather than fell, their larger than usual size, or the way they lit up the sky like they were glowing.  Maybe it was a little of all those things.  Or.  Maybe I’m just happy.

“Look baby”, I said to Livi.  “Isn’t the snow beautiful”?  She looked up and her little face lit up.  When we got her in the car seat, she mumbled something to do with catching them.  Then out like a light. 

You’d think I was leading up to these incredible pictures of snow right?  That would be a nice change.  I can’t really say nice only because it implies that I don’t love taking pictures of my baby or that, dare I say it, I may be getting tired of looking at her face?  That couldn’t be further from the truth.  I never tire of beauty.  Hopefully you don’t either.

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  1. Awe, I love snow, but we don't get much here in TN. I detest driving in it though... well detest isn't really the word for it. I am terrified as well. I do love seeing that beautiful face and those eyes! They are just so bright and beautiful. :)

  2. I love snow...it is so peaceful & serene when it is snowing, but the aftermath can be a pain to deal with :) gorgeous pics of your girl!

  3. I found you over at Simple as That. These are great shots. Such pretty eyes!

  4. She is beautiful! I love her big brown eyes!

  5. Her eyes always astound me!!! So so beautiful!!!!!
    ♥ Kyna
