August 1, 2012

Which edit are you digging?

So here’s the scoop.  I need some help.  If you follow me, you’ll remember seeing this picture of my hubby already.  I've decided to print it but not sure which edit I like better.  I thought you guys could help me choose.  Please, however, do not take #2’s crop into consideration when you are choosing.  It’s really not cropped like this; I just wanted to fit it into the same size box as the rest of the photos and I was working with a collage template.  In my original crop, his chin is not cut off and you can see more of his hair.

Which Edit numbered

I know what you are thinking.  “Is that it”?  “That’s all she wrote”? 
Yep.  I thought I’d let you off easy this time!  A refreshing change from my usual!Winking smile

I couldn’t forget to link up though! 

031 RSWM fixed

Happily Mother Afterthe long road


  1. I like #4. :)

    Sweet photo of you two.

  2. #2 is a no brainer for me - I like light & bright. I think there is a bit more detail in that one too. The B&W is nice but to me, #2 shows off your husband's eyes the best. The one on the left (#1) has a darker background and makes him look a little dark.. but that is just my opinion and means nothing LOL.

  3. I choose No. 4 hands down! What a hunk - hubba, hubba!

  4. Okay- as for the print- I like #1. Loving that last shot too- so sweet.

  5. I like 4! But I also like 2 in color. I like them all really ;)

  6. I like #1, love the colours and the warmth in this one.

  7. WOWza... Of course you would have such a handsome hubby... look at you woman! I LOVE these edits. It's SO hard for me because I ADORE b&w's, but color too of course. I love #2 & #4, they just pop! I can't pick between them!

    LOVE your Livvy shot. Yet again... she's even cuter!
