June 20, 2012

Quarterly Top 5 Photos

I’m linking up the following 5 pictures (from April, May, and June) to the Quarterly Top 5 Photos photo challenge.  If you’d like to join in, feel free to read the rules and link up over at one of the following blogs:
  • Linky begins Wednesday, June 20th and ends Tuesday, June 26th
  • Go through the photos from April, May, and June 2012
  • Choose 5 and post them on your blog or Flickr account beginning March 28th
  • PLEASE only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
  • Accompany each photo with a short explanation of why you chose it
  • Be sure to include the Quarterly Top 5 banner or button in your post and you will be entered to win one of the prizes

I’m also linking up these photos to the following Wordless Wednesdays.

This first shot is one of my favorites!  Of course, I could say this about all the shots I’ve attached to this post.  I just love my perspective here and that she is filling the frame with cuteness!  Those lashes are gorgeous too! 

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This next one is of her looking so lovingly at her Daddy and I just love the wind blown hair.
To me, this picture represents many things:  LOVE, SUMMER, FLORIDA, BEAUTY, ADORABLENESS, ETC.


What can I say about Miss Alivia smooshing her face up against the screen door?
She cracks her mama up!
Look at those eyes!  I love that she is looking off to one side!

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Pigtails.  ‘Nough said!

I fell in love with this next shot because of the lighting.
I can always tell when a shot is good when I love it straight out of the camera.
This was one of those shots!
I didn’t have to do much processing!
When the lighting is good, it makes all the difference in the world.
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and<br /> then, she {snapped}


  1. These are lovely!! (the middle one is hilarious!)

  2. These are just great!! I LOVE that first one (the crop is awesome, not to mention the sweetness of the shot itself). The smushy face is adorable! She is just the most adorable little thing EVER!

  3. She is adorable, I can see why you love every one of these photos :)

  4. These are so sweet. I especially love that first one!

  5. What a lovely load of photos. She's such a cutie.
    I really wanted to join in with this photo challenge but try as I might I just can't get it down to five.... I think I maybe take too many photos.

  6. Oh my goodness, I am having such a hard time picking a favorite here!
    I am going to go with the fourth one for the light.
    It is just beautiful!
    Wishing you a wonderful day ahead.

  7. It's so hard to pick, but you did a great job!! I love these, but how could you ever go wrong with that sweet face!

  8. What a beauty! I love those lashes, the pig tails, and that smushed face!

  9. Love the smashed face against the door...adorables!

  10. Absolutely beautiful photo shots of a lovely and adorable little girl ~ thanks, (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Every time I see her, she's gotten even prettier - I bet you had a hard time choosing favorites!

  12. love her little nose pressed up on the window!

  13. Sighhhhh! In LOVE. That's all I gotta say... haha... not! I LOVE your picks mama, how could I not. You're A-mazing. Seriosuly, you have the cutest little girl, but you really are such a talented photographer. REALLY. You must have had one hard time picking. LOVE all, but LOOOOVE the daddy & Livvy shot, priceless!! xo

  14. Darn it! I promise I know how to spell {SERIOUSLY} Seriously!

  15. Oh my!! love these. The nose! Awesome. So glad you linked up.

  16. Hi there! How lovely!!!! And forgive me for such a delayed response, but you left such a kind comment on my blog last week and I just wanted to say thank you!! Your blog is so fab! ~Bri~

  17. I love your images!!! She is just so adorable!!! Everytime you show her I get to relive my oldest daughter who looked SO much like her at that age. What fun for me:) Keep posting.Love it....
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  18. I love them all but I think I am partial to the 2nd shot - Nothing better than a little girl with her daddy :) Precious! I love profile and eyelash shots too - I love taking them - well done!

  19. All of them are so adorable!!! :) Great job capturing her moments and expressions. I love the one with daddy the most!

  20. I love the perspective in each and every one! Such sweet choices, Elena.

  21. These are beautiful :) Love the screen door shot and you are SO right...lighting is EVERYTHING :)
