June 6, 2012

New Pics… Sneak peek of Disney World

I planned on sharing all of my Disney World pictures in one post (my Thursday post) but, had unexpectedly (and at the last minute), went out to run some errands that took me ‘till 10:00 pm Wednesday night so now I’m exhausted.  I could only bring myself to process the following three pictures.  I hope to have the others processed to include in my The Missing Link post that I publish on Fridays.

I used a resize action that I purchased from Paint the Moon a long time ago.  The only reason I stopped using it was because I learned to resize and save for the web myself.  Although, lately, I don’t know what is wrong.  No matter how I resize and save my pictures they are still not nearly as sharp as when I use the action.  I’m not sure what I am doing wrong.  The only thing I don’t like about the action is that it automatically places a black border around your pictures.  I guess it’s not a big deal as I can always crop to remove.


This next shot is of Alivia peeking over the gate to look at the Mickey and Minnie bushes.
She loved them!


Alivia was on the hubby’s shoulders in this next shot watching the parade of characters!
Her favorite character was Goofy.
It was so cute watching her call out his name and wave as he passed by.
It was like she couldn’t believe it was him and that she was so close to him.
Sort of like the way I feel about Michael Buble.  LOL.  You all know Michael right?
Just incase you don’t, he is an awesome singer and cute as pie.
Don’t get any ideas though.  He is mine!

Okay, now back to the subject.

I’m linking up the photo below to This or That Thursday over at Deb Duty.


As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. I need some bushes like that in my yard. The neighbors might start to wonder though. What program are you using to try and save these for web?

  2. What a fun time! Nothing better than littles with Disney!joining you from this or that Thurs.

  3. Oh what a fun time!!!! I know my kids love Disney- I grew up in the town next to Disney California so I was there weekly.

  4. Did she have a good time? We want to take the kids but I want to make sure they (well, I mean my three y/o) is going to enjoy it before I spend all that money.

  5. Amazing crispness to your shots. How fun, We have never been to Disney World, only land...and I want to see what the difference is! Looks like it was still memorable for her, despite the rain!

  6. Cute pics! Love WDW and can't wait to bring our boys!

  7. I can't wait to bring Julianna. I used to never want to go to Disney - I have never been - but now, I want to bring my daughter - I think she will love it. Look at the look on Alivia's face - she loves it! :)
