June 3, 2012

New Pics… Home from vacation

Well, the family and I are home from vacation.  I usually get home sick and miss home, but this vacation was so different.  I felt so relaxed and at home in Sarasota that I just didn’t want to leave.  I think I speak for the rest of my family when I say that too!  We definitely weren’t ready to go home this time.  We could have used another week in Florida.  I guess that is a good indicator that we had a fabulous vacation.  We made some memories that will last us a lifetime!

I have so many pictures to process that it is a little overwhelming!  Exciting, but overwhelming!  I processed a handful so that I could join in some photo challenges this week.  Boy I really missed participating!  These shots are from our last day in Florida.  It was the only rainy day and I was a little disappointed we weren’t going to be able to enjoy the beautiful beach one last time.  At round 6:30 pm, though, the sky opened up and the sun started peeking through the clouds.  It couldn’t have been more perfect!  My mom and step-dad watched Alivia and the hubby and I got to spend the last night walking the beach by ourselves.  The ocean glistened like someone had sprinkled fairy dust on the water.  Yeah, I may spend a little too much time watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates with Alivia!  LOL!  It’s true though. 

So guess what?  I took my first silhouette photograph and it was by accident!  While aiming the camera directly into the sunlight, my hubby walked in front of me.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that he photographed dark against the light sun.  I always wondered how people were able to take these!  I thought there was some sort of trick to it.  I’m so excited to share these!













I’m linking up the photo below to the Show off your Shot, Shoot. Edit. Submit., and Finagle a Foto Photography Challenges over at And then she Snapped, Mom Tried It,  and Happy Jax.  I absolutely love this shot and was so happy that I was able to catch the seagulls!  It’s unbelievable how unafraid of people they are.  They will fly right to you!  And I love how they flap their wings and then just glide about!


happy jax
and<br /> then, she {snapped}

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Oh my goodness, these shots are so beautiful! Love the silhouette pictures!

  2. These are so great!! Beautiful photos. Jaymi shared some tips on silhouette photos on my blog http://sarahhalstead.com/photography/tutorial-tuesday-shooting-silhouettes/

    Did you see those? Love these shots. You did a wonderful job.

  3. Amazing silhouette shots. It looks like you've been doing it for years.

  4. Oh Elena these are incredible! I love how you took these on accident... actually I'm kinda jealous, you are awesome mama! SO happy your back home, & that you guys had such a wonderful time! Can't wait to see more. xoxo

  5. These are really lovely! And, did the blog layout/look change? I feel like it looks different and I really like it! Anyway, back to the photos - really lovely and great job on the accidental silhouettes! xoxo

  6. What great shots, Elena! Your silhouettes turned out gorgeous...and on accident, too! So glad you and your family had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see more photos of your trip. :-)

  7. Surely I can understand why you wanted to stay!
    It looks so wonderfully peaceful, and your photographs are just gorgeous.

  8. Wow, these are gorgeous! So glad you had a great vacation. ;)

  9. Looks like you had a fabulous time...so jealous of your beach shots! The silhouettes and seagull shots are beautiful!

  10. Really beautiful use of light in these.
