May 10, 2012

New Pics… Alivia’s 2012 Photo Book

I’ve been working like crazy on Alivia’s 2012 photo book.  My goal is to complete one for every year of her life.  I thought it would be something nice for her to have when she’s all grown up.  With the amount of pictures I’ve been taking, though, it’s going to be more like 2-3 photo books per year.  It’s only the beginning of May and I already have close to 75 pages in her photo book now.  I wanted to be able to share the link for everyone to check out my photo book, but I’m nowhere near done.  Instead, I thought I’d offer a sneak peek.  In case you are interested, I am using Mixbook.  I spoke about it in a previous Missing Link post which you can find HERE.  I love the software.  It is very easy to use.  They also have a large selection of backgrounds, clipart, and fonts to work with.

MB Cover Page

Holiday Page

Flower Page

Dad Page

Zebra Page

I also wanted to share the good news!  The below photo was chosen as a favorite of Joshua’s Photo Link Up over at Our Footprints on the World.  I’m so excited!  A BIG thanks to Kelly-Marie! 

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The next shot is this weeks submission for Joshua’s Photo Link Up.  In case you’ve never joined, please feel free to read through the instructions and link up!  The more, the merrier!

Some Quick Rules & Info
- We love little munchkins so they MUST be included somewhere in the picture.
- Only use photographs that you yourself have taken or have permission to use.
- Link up you post or photo and NOT your main blog URL.
- Be sure to visit a few of the other entries and 'like' you favourites.
- We would appreciate a link back to us using the button above or just a link.
- Entries open on Wednesday and close Saturday night.
Thank You and most of all have FUN!

Also linking up to This or That Thursday over at Deb Duty.

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Lastly, a few new pictures.  I still have more to process that I hope to post tomorrow.

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This next shot is the BEST!  One of my favorite parts of Alivia is the back of her little neck which I don’t get to see all that often.  Her hair is just getting long enough for me to be able to put it in a pony tail.  I’m glad I was able to capture it!  Now I can look at it all the time.  Ooh, I just want to kiss it!

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As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you like what you’ve read, please feel free to join the site!


  1. Aww she has a little pnoytail that's so cute and oh I just love kissable baby necks, I sit here with Josh sometimes just tickling his :)

  2. Oh goodness...I've been meaning to create a book for my girls, but keep putting it off. Looks like your book is coming along so nicely! I love your Alivia's cheeks...such a cute face!

  3. What a face!
    You both will cherish these photos and scrapbook pages forever!

  4. great portraits and she is a cutie! adorable!

  5. Simply adorable! I love the ponytail.

  6. Aw it looks lovely, I am also doing photo books for my little girl too, I did two in her first year and now from this year on I am going to do one a year. It is a lovely idea and I am sure she will treasure them.

  7. AWW! Love the pony. What a sweet baby girl, you capture her SO well! The photo book is going to be amazing.

    You reminded me, I have one I need to finish soon. Got a gift card for my b-day to make one!!

  8. Adorable! And I really need to get started on a photo book... I should have at least a couple by now, but they are so much work. Yours looks like it's going to be very nice.

  9. OH my gosh - your daughter is the cutest thing ever, and you were right, our daughters are close in age and we both love to take pictures of them! ;) I look forward to seeing more! Love your photos! Great job! I am going to try Mixbook... that looks like they have some nice design options!
