April 13, 2012

Shoot. Edit. Submit.

It's that time again.  I'm linking up to the Shoot. Edit. Submit. photo challenge over at Mom Tried It.  This is my absolute favorite picture of the week.  I wanted a creative shot so I took it lying tummy down on my mother's outside balcony.   Not even sure if balcony is the correct word since it's only about 2 1/2 feet off the ground.  Anyhow, if you can imagine, I was looking through the bottom of where the side wooden slats meet up with the floorboard.  Alivia was on the grass below keeping busy.  Surprisingly, I didn't even have to call her over.  She saw Mommy on her tummy and must have thought that was interesting enough to come right over.  She *smooshed her nose right up against the floorboard and SNAP, I got this shot!  She is a silly goose I tell ya!  She makes me giggle.

*Every time I use this word, spell check picks it up.  So apparently it's not a real word?  Seriously?  Even spelled with a 'u' like smushed is not a word?  I say it's a word, so there!

1 comment:

  1. Cute little girl. When I saw this pic, I had to smile. If you hadn't told us her nose was on a floorboard, I'd wonder why is she smashing her nose against a countertop? and peeking out? Is she trying to hide? Is she waiting for someone to leave? Just a few of the stories that one could walk away from after looking at this pic.

    Thanks for posting an atypical photo. Great job!

