April 17, 2012

New Pics... Weekend Fun

We lucked out this weekend.  The weather was beautiful so we took advantage!  We packed up the car and took Alivia to see her Uncle Erik, Auntie Nancy and Mackenzie.  We spent most of the day outside in their yard soaking up the sun.  It's funny, but usually I get more pictures of Mackenzie than I do Alivia.  Mackenzie is a little older and will pose for the camera which is a refreshing change from running around trying to get candids of a rapidly moving toddler.  This time, however, she was more interested in playing with Alivia than posing for her Auntie so I ended up with only a handful of pictures.  Little did I know that later I would come to realize that my camera settings may have been perfect to take pictures of Alivia, but not so much of Mackenzie.  Where Alivia's skin seemed properly exposed, parts of Mackenzie's skin (mostly of her face) were over exposed and blown out.  Makes sense since Mackenzie is a few skin shades lighter than Alivia.  I can't help being disappointed but I know there will be many other opportunities to take pictures of her smiling face in the future!  Besides, I've gotten some amazing shots of Mackenzie in the past that I've posted on my site.  Anyhow, I attached the four pictures of Mackenzie at the very bottom of this post.

On a different note, I'm really excited to share the animated GIF of Alivia going down the slide.  I took a series of pictures (click after click) of Alivia going down the slide.  I then uploaded them to Glickr and it creates the html code for you to copy and paste into your post.  My only complaint is that within the conversion from JPEG to GIF, the quality of your image suffers tremendously.  You can't see it badly in my attachment because I opted to keep it only 300 px wide.  If you choose to increase the size, the worse the image appears.  Sort of a bummer, I know, but still fun!  I'll have to do some research to find the best animated GIF creator.  I'll be sure to share my results in a future post!

gif creator

1 comment:

  1. You take beautiful pictures!! They are all so sharp and well exposed. GREAT job! Your daughter is adorable. I love her pretty eyes:). Reminds me of my little girl. I've always wanted to do an animated video of something so I'll have to check out Glickr or whatever else you find out;). So fun!
