April 23, 2012

New Pics... Happy Monday!

First, I had to attach an animated GIF of Livvy walking around outside.  I was super excited to see a post written on how to create your own animated GIF in PSE over at Finding my Creativity.  I used Gickr in the past and although it was easy to create, the quality of your picture was affected in the conversion which was, let's face it, a little disappointing.  Creating an animated GIF in PSE keeps the quality of the photo in tact even if you opt to make it a large file!  My example is actually a bad one only because I started off with horrible pictures.  Horrible in that they were super blurry and underexposed to begin with but I couldn't resist animating them to see my little one in action.  The only thing that I did not how to do in the tutorial was to copy and paste a picture onto another picture.  So instead, I wanted to share the alternative that I used.  With your original picture opened, go to File / Place.  PSE automatically converts your picture to a new layer that is placed on top of your original.  It's that simple!

On a different note, my little one just found her favorite part of the house.  We have a bay window in our living room.  It's BIG, it's gorgeous, and the light it lets into the house is fantastic for picture taking!  Unfortunately,  by the time she found the window interesting, it was closer to evening and the sun was in hiding.  In order to have taken properly exposed pictures, I was forced (yet again) to increase my ISO (to let in more light) if I wanted to avoid using my flash.  I was, however, rather impressed to find my pictures less noisy than I had imagined them to be.  I only had to reduce the noise slightly in two of these pictures. 

And lastly, my Monday photo challenge submissions.

For the Show off your Shot Photo Challenge over at And then she Snapped.

 then, she {snapped}

For the Quotography Photo Challenge over at {My} Perspective.  The theme is Hobby.  My hobby is definitely photography where I specialize in taking pictures of my beautiful baby :o)  It only seemed fit that I attach a quote on photography.  I happen to love this quote!  It is VERY true!

Quotography at {My}Perspective


  1. Very cute, she is a sweetie! Visiting from Quotography....

  2. Such gorgeous photography of a beautiful child! Thoroughly enjoyable visit!

  3. She is so beautiful! And I LOVE her little dress!

  4. Awwwe. She is super adorable~! I love how you created the motion GIF. I will definitely have to check that out!

  5. How fun that you did the gif, What a cutie & that dress is beautiful!!!!!!!

  6. she is just adorable!! such beautiful captures!!

  7. she's getting sooo big...... and beautiful!!!

  8. Since I'm a Nana that misses her toddler grandgirl, I love these shots. Especially the "feet" one! She is simply adorable.

  9. What a little cutie! Thank you so much for linking up!

  10. Congratulations, your post was selected as top 3! http://www.myperspectiveblog.com/2012/04/quotography-top-3-hobby.html

  11. Love these crinkled little pink feet! Too adorable, and what beautiful eyes Livvy has

  12. Who doesn't love huge bay windows? Aside from it opens up your space and making it brighter and airy, it also connects the outside to the inside. That's why, like your daughter, our whole family loves staying at the bay window any time of the day. She looks so pretty, by the way!
