April 3, 2012

New Pics... A filling or two

Today's weather was pretty decent.  It started out in the 40's and by the afternoon was around 55 degrees.  Too bad I had to spend it in the dentist chair away from my baby.  I went in to have a filling and came out with two.  If that's not enough, I still have one more that needs to be filled.  That's right, 3 freakin' cavities!  Shame on me!  I have a sweet tooth and apparently I'm paying for it!  I still have NOT learned my lesson.  I will NOT cut out sweets, I'll just have to start flossing more.  I guess brushing right after a pecan turtle wouldn't hurt either.  Anyhoo, after my appointment, I rushed to my sister's to pick up Alivia.  It had only been an hour and a half and I was dying to see her cute little face.  When I finally arrived at my sister's house, Alivia greeted me with the cutest "Hi Mama!"  Her face lit up and she gave me a BIG smile.  I guess she missed me too.  With the left half of my face numb from the Novocaine I could barely manage to smile back.  What's worse is that I couldn't even pucker my lips to give Alivia a kiss.  I had to settle on just leaning in and grazing her forehead.  I was disappointed I couldn't feel the warmth or the softness of her skin.  I couldn't feel anything.  Thank God it was only temporary, but I never imagined the numbness would have lasted the entire day.  What would I do without being able to kiss my baby?  I'd take pictures and that's exactly what I did!  It held me off until around supper time when I could start to feel my cheek, nostril and lips again.  Alivia was in trouble now.  I showered her with kisses, than more kisses, and even more kisses after that.  I only stopped to write this post ;o)

Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!

And just to mix it up a bit.  I threw in a couple pictures of the budding tree in our backyard.

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