April 26, 2012

My Day of Randomness

Okay so here's the scoop.  It was quite chilly yesterday so I didn't get any outdoor photos!  Boo!  I did, however, make up for it in Instagrams and indoor shots!  Yay!  Livvy and I didn't too much yesterday.  We had a little trip to the Carter's store to use some gift certificates that had been sitting in my wallet just beggin' to be used!  I bought her 6 sundresses.  On the way home from Carter's we stopped at DSW for my mom to buy some shoes she wanted.  While I waited in the car with Livvy, I snapped some Instagrams.  Then it was back home to have chicken for lunch and strawberries for dessert.  Livvy watched an episode of The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Jake and the Neverland Pirates and then it was back out to my mom's house where we visited for a couple hours and stayed for a pork roast, corn on the cob, and broccoli dinner!  We left my mom's at around 5:45 pm and were back at our house by 5:49 pm.  Did I mention my mom lives across the street?  Yes, it is very cool!  I don't know how many times we've walked to each others houses in our pajamas, slippers,  or kitchen aprons, sometimes not having showered yet, no make-up with our hair dirty and all!  What a sight!  I'm sure you can imagine.  Although you wouldn't have to imagine if I got some pictures of us.  No, I wouldn't do that to you!  That's just wrong!  Trust me when I say it's NOT pretty!  Seriously though and silliness aside, I wouldn't change it for the world!  I'm sort of a mama's girl.  Even still, at 35 years old. 
Anyhoo, onto my pictures...

1.  Last night's dessert.  Fresh strawberries!  YUM!  I had what Alivia didn't eat which wasn't much.  This container was filled to the rim with strawberries!  I guess you could say she likes them!
2.  Looking back to see Alivia in her car seat.  We took a ride to the Carter's store.  I had some gift certificates to use.
3.  My mom's Vera Bradley bag.  I love it.  It just cries out "Spring!"  I snapped a picture while I was waiting for my mom who was shopping in DSW.
4.  My step dad's fish tank.
5.  The fish in my step dad's fish tank.
6.  My steering wheel.  I love my Subaru!  I should really do a Subaru commercial! 
7.  Looking in the rear view mirror at Alivia.  She's VERY tiny; you can barely see her. 
8.  A piece of decor in my mom's house.  She has two of them.  I love these birds! 
9.  Looking out my side view mirror over at Eastern Mountain Sports.

Incase you missed it, and you are interested in a little freebie, I attached the below collage to a previous post which you can find HERE.

And some more randomness.  I took some pictures of my step dad's fish tank that I'm linking up to this or that Thursday photo challenge over at Deb Duty.  It is a fairly new item in their house and he wanted some pictures to post on Facebook.  Since I was on a roll, snapping away anyway, I took some pictures of other decor around the house that I love. 

The next two pictures are of my mom's photo walls.  My sister is a professional photographer and designed these two walls for my mom.  The first shot is in her kitchen.  The second shot is in her hallway.  Some of my VERY OWN pictures made it on the wall! 

The next two pictures are of the lighting fixture in the hallway.  I love this fixture!  It looks fantastic when you see it from the street!

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.
You'll just have to scroll down the page a bit to see it.
If you like what you've read, please feel free to join my site.


  1. Oh that sounds so nice!!!! Love that photo wall- gorgeous! Hoping to do that with my own images one day.

  2. i would love to live so close to my mom!! awesome pictures!!

  3. I love the photo walls! I just started using Instagram this week and I'm having a blast with it. :)

  4. Wonderful post. I think it's great you're still a mama's girl. I really miss my daughter snd granddaughters who live soooooo far away!

  5. that must be easy for you having momma across the street

  6. the photo wall is great! we don't have a lot of wall space in our downstairs space (lots of windows though), so pictures are limited to the stairs. we just started using instagram and it's so fun and easy.

    thanks for stopping by :)

  7. What a beautiful baby girl! Visiting you from This or That Thursdays. I'm now following and look forward to seeing more of your cute blog. Have a great weekend!
