March 27, 2012

New Pics... Photo Dump!

I almost forgot I had these.  It's a good thing I look through my picture files every now and then.  When I took these pictures, I didn't have any time to post them.  It was overwhelming to think about posting them now since I had to resize each and every one and PSE only allowed me to resize them one at a time, or did it?  After a google search, I found the following.  For those of you that didn't know that PSE was capable of resizing multiple photos at once, feel free to check out this article on About.  Now all I have to do is figure out how to add my watermark, which is in .jpg form, to multiple files at once.  That would be a HUGE time saver! 

These first set of pictures are of Christmas Eve 2011. We had such a great Christmas this year!  Alivia was at a great age!  She was just starting to show interest in gifts which is exciting for a momma! 

Yes, I went a little crazy with the gifts!  I have no excuse, I do it every year. 
There is nothing I love better than giving!

January 10, 2012

I processed these next few pictures too light for my taste and some of the whites are blown out. 

This one and the next picture are two of my favorites!

January 6, 2012

Love the coloring in this next one.  It's very warm!  Her little profile is so beautiful!

These next few are a first.  The first time I actually got all of her hair up in one pony tail! 

December 21, 2011

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