March 28, 2012

Edit Me... (boy I've missed you)

Do you know how long it's been since I've participated in one my favorite photo challenges?  Quite simple, it's been TOO long!  The Edit Me photo challenge has, hands down, been the challenge I look forward to most!  I love having the opportunity to edit someone else's photograph.  My favorite ones to edit are of people so I was especially happy to see this weeks photograph.  I love the positioning of the children, the tree trunk, the background, etc.; pretty much everything.  With that being said, I made the following very clean and simple edits in PSE:

1.  Cropped.
2.  Brightened a bit,
3.  Boosted contrast,
4.  Warmed up (boosted the yellow hues a tad),
5.  Lifted the shadows from the girls face,
6.  Sharpened faces,
7.  Added a subtle vignette, and
8.  Resized for web.

ORIGINAL photograph provided by Pam at Kassies Beach:

Edited Version:

Edit Me


  1. Love how the trees frame out your photo! Awesome job.

  2. beautiful! i love the soft vignette especially!

  3. Well done!!!!! I love how you really brought them out.

  4. Oh WOW! Very impressive! You took the photo from a snapshot to something I'd be proud to put in a frame! Really really great job. You enhanced it perfectly!!

  5. Really nice job. Loved how you lifted the shadows - please share that technique if you can. Would love to learn. Thx!

  6. Gorgeous and clean edit!! Perfection!
