September 27, 2011

New Pics (Week 12)... to Calibrate or NOT to Calibrate

I don't have any followers or much traffic on my blog, but I was hoping that the little traffic I do have will participate in my poll (top right sidebar):  Are you working with a calibrated monitor?

How many of you photographers are working with a calibrated monitor?  I wonder just how important it is. 
I'm thinking it's pretty important if you want to print out pictures that are true to what you are seeing on your screen especially when you've put in the time to color balance/correct them.  It is both frustrating and disappointing when an image prints completely different than how you were seeing it.  I don't actually own a desktop so I'm currently editing and organizing photos on my hp laptop which is not calibrated.  I don't believe you can calibrate a laptop but please correct me if I'm wrong and I truly hope I am.  It would save me a lot of money.

Anyhoo, now on to my link ups...

Linking up to Touch up Tuesday at Paper Heart Camera.

Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

ISO - 1600 / Aperture - f/7.1 / Shutter Speed - 250 / Focal Length - 41mm

My clean edit in PSE:
a. adjusted exposure (brightened)
b. boosted contrast
c. removed red cast from face
d. removed a spot from the wall behind her (top left corner)
e. brightened eyes with an action from Paint the Moon
d. resized to 500 px for blog post

Linking up to Sweet Shot Tuesday over at My 3 Boybarians.  Love this one of Alivia in action!  It's currently my desktop background.  It really pops in black & white.

Sweet Shot Day

And on to my New Pics for this week:
I'm loving the expression on her face in this next one.  She was watching a car drive by.


  1. She is adorable and such great captures! I am not calibrated however I do think it helps with proper color. I am hoping to get calibrated in the next year or so. I did get my photos printed at Miller's and WHCC and they color was right (so that was good)!

  2. Adorable captures - I am calibrated and I edit on a laptop. I did test shots with WHCC and MPix. My colors were way off so I calibrated. It's amazing the difference.

  3. Love the black and white edits! She is adorable. I don't think I am calibrated. I am not sure I know much about it, but I want to look into it now. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I an not calibrated. I want to though...

  5. What cute edits! I don't use a calibrated monitor, but I'm just kind of winging things(for now, at least).

  6. Oh my! She is just adorable. Great edits!!

  7. Calibrate! My understanding is that some laptops can be calibrated and some can't. So you may want to research it before you purchase a calibrator. However, if you are getting back prints from a professional lab that are not what you are seeing on the screen, you should try to find a way to calibrate, for sure. On my calibrated screen, your images are a little dark and cool. However, your little girl is the most adorable thing, anyway! Good luck getting it figured out!

  8. We recently bought a new monitor, because the old one went haywire and we calibrated and it makes a huge difference but it depends on how other people are viewing it how it appears to them.
    Also my understanding is if you're printing a lot you have to calibrate to your print lab, so the colours look the same, also some colours look different in print.
    Also if you're editing on a laptop unless you view the screen correctly the brightness and colours will appear differently (try tilting it up and down to see the difference). Ideally you should use a proper monitor, but hey if money grew on trees...try maybe doing some cheap 4x6 as test prints.
    After all that, adorable photos!!

  9. As mentioned by another commenter, it is possible to calibrate a laptop and definitely worth it. Love these shots, by the way. Your little girl is adorable.
