September 8, 2011

New Pics (Week 10)... Labor Day Weekend

So let's see.  What did we do this past Labor Day weekend?  I'm actually asking myself this question because we were non-stop from Friday morning right up until the evening of Monday that I'm finding it a little difficult to remember everything!  First of all, it was an extra long weekend for us.  My husband took Friday off and then of course had Monday (Labor Day), so an entire four days to spend with each other was exciting!  My husband, Bob, got to spend a lot of time with Livvy!  I think they both missed each other a little extra when Tuesday came around after being so close the past four days.  When Livvy woke in the morning and I was changing her first diaper of the day she said Dada.  It was the cutest thing! 

Anyhoo, because this post could have been VERY long VERY easily, I decided to break it down into short recaps by day so that it would flow better.  And to avoid picture overload, I decided to post pictures of my cousin Chris's BBQ in one of my Picasa Web albums.

FRIDAY:  Errands (like food shopping) in the day and dinner with some friends at night.  We got to the restaurant early so I snapped these pictures in the parking lot while we were waiting for our friends to arrive.  It was a good time of day to shoot as the sun wasn't directly over our heads.  Dinner at The Common Man was great!  Bob had an amazing scallop dish and for me some squash raviolis!  At the end of the meal we enjoyed some fresh home made white chocolate shaved right at your table.  Very cool and did I mention yummy?

SATURDAY:  BBQ at my cousin Chris's house.  We had a wonderful time!  Great food, great family, great conversation.  The weather cooperated nicely as the sun made its way through cloudy morning skies.  It went from about 75 degrees (dry and comfortable) to about 85 degrees (warm & muggy) in a matter of only a couple hours.  Thank heavens for ice cold water, a refreshing pool, shaded areas, and a breeze!  Pictures HERE.

SUNDAY:  Squam Lake Science Center in Holderness, NH.  Not much for the kids to see but, otherwise, a fun day!  At least we got out of the house and we were able to spend it with friends.  I didn't get many pictures, at all, of the animals.  My kit lens does not zoom all that much so it was difficult for me to get shots of the animals that all seemed to be too far away if even visible.  Can you believe that I didn't even get pictures of my hubby or Livvy?  I did, however, get some great pictures of my friend's daughter, Mackenzie.  The second, third, and fourth pictures are amazing!  Even with my ISO as high as 1600, these shots rock!  I didn't even use the noise reduction action.  These pictures needed very little tweaking.  Just what I like!

MONDAY:  Last minute BBQ at my sister's house and Livvy's first bicycle ride.  She absolutely loved it! 

Ah, yes, a shot with me in it!  My mom took this picture!  Thanks Mom!

Lastly, another picture of me.  This is my dramatic face.  I fell off my bike.  Really I fell off my niece's bike because the seat wasn't high enough for me and I was very uncomfortable.  So now I'm sporting a minor bruise on the inside of my right hand.  It's a good thing I didn't trust myself with Livvy in the back!  I need my own bike!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great weekend! What great pictures (and memories) to have. :)

    Marla @
