August 5, 2011

There's really laundry to do, but first a photo challenge or two...

I've been trying to establish whether I have time to participate in a photo challenge.  My favorite part of the photo challenge is blog hoppin' to comment on other peoples submissions.  I love seeing what other people are capturing.  It really inspires me!  Although my favorite part of the photo challenge, it's also the most time consuming.  I'd hate to enter the challenge and then get tied up and not be able to leave comments.  I'm going to give it a try anyway.

My submission for the Show off your Shot photo challenge over at And then she Snapped is below.  I love this one of Alivia.  Love her messed up hair. I was really happy that her eyes photographed very well for a change.  They usually photograph darker than they really are.   This is VERY close to her shade of hazel.  The SOOC shot was a little cooler than I like so I added some warmth.  I absolutely love the coloring.

and then, she {snapped}

The theme for the little somethings photo challenge is Bright.  I just took these pictures two days ago.  I love the composition, BRIGHT colors, and white space.  My submission is the 3rd one down but I had to share them all.  This is the cutest little teapot I every did see :o)  I bought it at Pier 1 about two years ago for $25.  Not too shabby right?

And over at Project Alicia, my Crazy days of Summer Photo Challenge submission.  The theme is Summer Treats:


  1. That first one is so sweet! Love the teapot photos! And your strawberry shot is seriously awesome!!

  2. Oh my goodness, look at those big brown eyes!

  3. What an adorable little lady! The teapot shots are so much fun with the colors. Strawberries do make a wonderful summer treat.

  4. Strawberries are the perfect summer treat! I love that photo of you daughter...adorable!

  5. Hi Elena. Those are lovely photos. Your little girl is a real charmer! And thanks for visiting my blog, especially after I just read your post! See you around when you have time for challenges! Sonishka

  6. What a perfect summer treat. Love the photo! You've made it look so inviting. Thanks so much for joining the Crazy Days of Summer photo challenge!

  7. What a pretty teapot and a pretty little girl too! :) Those strawberries look delicious!
    Thanks for joining Alicia and me in the Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back again on Friday when we move on to a new theme, "fun with friends". Have a great day. :)
