August 8, 2011

New Pics (Week 6)... Livvy did what?

- 8/5: tried soft serve vanilla ice cream right from the cone
- 8/6: made the switch from formula to whole milk

OMG!  And to think her birthday is on Saturday is completely INSANE.  I'm runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off!  No no just kiddin'.  I've got everything under control.  I just hope I take pictures.  I always intend to especially at BIG events such as this one but then I get wrapped up in hosting, socializing, giving hugs & kisses to my babies (my babies being my hubby and Livvy) and forget I have a camera!  I really feel like I'm missing out behind the view finder.  My sister is bringing her camera anyway.
Some of these were out of focus but I sharpened them as best I could in PSE.  These are not my favorites by any means but I'm liking the last 4 of this series.

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