July 2, 2011

New Pics (Week 3) cont. yet again

I've been experimenting with some actions that I bought at Paint the Moon and I'm loving the results!  All my black and whites were converted using the Classic B&W action from Paint the Moon.  Others, which I mark below, have been retouched using the Color Dream Glow action. 

Another cool action from Paint the Moon is the Twinkle Eye action which I used today for the first time.  It allows you to do a few things to the eyes like brighten whites and lighten the irises. 

Camera Settings
Shutter Speed - 100
ISO - 400
Aperture - f/7.1
Focal Length - 33 mm
No flash used

Retouched in Picnik...
- adjusted exposure and shadows slightly
- cropped and rotated
- used the eye brightening tool

Color Dream Glow action in PSE applied

And now back to my processed pics!

Color Dream Glow action applied to the next photo...

This next one is blurry but I used the eye brightening tool and sharpened the eyes a bit. 

Color Dream Glow action applied to the next photo...  Can you stand the spiral curl to the right?  I can't believe how curly her hair is getting.  When you pull on the curl, it bounces right back up like a little spring.  She has a bunch in the back of her hair that Mommy plays with often.  Too cute!

And the eyelashes that I'd kill for...

WARNING:  Approaching the Unbelievably Adorable.  Hope you can handle it.  This next shot was taken with me aiming the camera in front of Livvy's face without using the view finder or screen.  Not too shabby right?

I couldn't decide if I liked it better in color or black & white.

Used the Classic B&W and Twinkle Eye action in the next shot...


  1. Oh, they're all beautiful! She is so adorable...love the curls :)

  2. She's so beautiful - I'm not sure you can take a bad picture of her. Love your new actions.

  3. These are adorable!!! She's such a cutie! hehe!

    You have some really unique shots -- like though the crib bars, I'm thinking. The different views are nice. You also did a good job w/ the processing.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  4. A.dor.a.ble. Love her beautiful eyes! Fun to have new actions!
