June 16, 2011

New Pics (Week 1)

I have to remind myself why I really started this photo blog.  I needed a place that would hold all my pictures and notes so that I could look back to see my progression as I journeyed through my new found interest, photography!  My goal is to take new pictures on a weekly basis and post them for my own review and reference.  I will title these posts New Pics (Week X) and use the label 'new' to locate these posts easily.  These posts will also serve as a central location for me to refer when making submissions to photo challenges.  I feel I should structure these posts in a certain way to remain consistent and organized throughout my click, click, clicking ventures.  I may, from time to time, share my before & afters to keep record of my picture taking progression and editing style changes.  Camera settings are an entirely different story.  I think it would take me too long to note camera settings as they tend to differ from picture to picture. I do, however, find comfort in knowing I can always refer to the properties of my computer image files for this information!  I may make notes or share some resources that I stumbled upon that week.  Although I say these posts are for me, don't be fooled!  Everyone loves visitors, but more importantly comments!  Feel free to tune in however often you'd like!  Oh and if I don't get a chance to say it, "Thank You in advance for visiting my site!"  I truly appreciate your interest.

My baby was so proud of herself.  This is only her second time standing in her crib! 
I can't believe how BIG she is getting.

I love how this one of my baby's feet looked as a Polaroid!

The below picture is of a garden ornament that my mom keeps as a welcoming piece near her front door. 

Livvy's piggy bank.

The below picture is a little blurry, but I wanted a real close-up.

When I use the eye brightening tool in picnik I feel like it also sharpens as well. 
I don't think the blurriness is as noticeable in my edited version.

and back to my edited pics.  I used a Bokehlicious Dancing Light action in
this picture that I purchased from Paint the Moon.

There is actually a texture in the picture below also purchased from Paint the Moon. 

Again, I used another Bokehlicious Dancing Light action on the photo below.

Can you believe I actually caught my own natural dancing light?  Pretty cool I think.

This is another texture, one of my favorites, that I purchased from Paint the Moon. 
I think it works well with this photo.


  1. If this is a "new" hobby...then you're a natural. Love these.

  2. great shots! :) Love the BW bike one with the details in the handle. I use th picnik eye brightener too, I think it adds that little extra that is sometimes missing. Its usually all I use there, I wish I could snag that app, so I wouldnt have to upload everytime. :)
