June 12, 2011


I had one of my best friends over today and she has a 2 year old little girl named Mackenzie.  Well she'll be 2 years in another month!  She is the cutest little red head you ever did see.  She has beautiful pale angelic-like skin and her eyes, well, speak for themselves!  Thanks to Auntie Nancy Pants and Uncle Erik for letting me post these on my site!

I got to take a lot of these using natural light which I favor.  Only a handful were photographed using a flash since, depending where Mackenzie moved, there were spots in my house that lacked sufficient lighting.  I'd really like to take a stab at editing some of these using some of Paint the Moon's awesome actions and textures. I wouldn't be surprised if you see these photographs re-edited and posted again. I watched some of their YouTube tutorials online and got myself all excited and inspired to edit my own photos!  I still haven't made up my mind which editing software I want to purchase between Corel PaintShop Pro and PhotoShop Elements. I really do have to make up my mind since my free trials expire in a day!  My sister, Lola Farra, is a professional photographer and she's been using PhotoShop for years.  She really likes it!  Since PhotoShop Elements is VERY similar to PhotoShop, I'm thinking that's the way to go!

Oh yeah, and on a different note, I threw in a couple pictures of another cute little girl! 

Mackenzie and her daddy!  I used the softening action on this.

Mac-a-doodle's DADDY!

Yes I had to throw a couple pictures of my baby in

can you stand the CHUBBA cheeks?


  1. Beautiful shots - love the light!

  2. I don't even know what to say... I absolutely LOVE these pictures. Thank you so much!
    Mac-a-doodle's Mom ;)
